𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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Flashback end
Yn pov
Tears come to my eyes when I think about that day, it was the worst day for me, that day I not only lost my dad but also the Jungkook whom I loved. But whatever Hoseok oppa said today, I have to know about it at any cost and for that I have to meet him.

I slowly came out of the room, even though my stomach was still hurting and I didn't even know which room Hoseok Oppa was in, so I went to all to the corridor and peeped from outside, not be seen by anyone.

I went to the first room which was empty so I walked ahead then I saw Jimin Oppa coming up the stairs and I immediately hid behind a pillar when he passed by I moved ahead.

I checked many rooms and found most of them empty, so I came down from the upper floor and when I came down the stairs, my stomach started hurting more but I somehow came down. And with my luck I saw Hoseok Oppa in the kitchen.

I started going towards him but before reaching there I started feeling a bit dizzy but after some time it got better and I reached to Oppa.

Yn: Oppa, I need to talk to you.

Jhope: You here, tell me what's the matter. *making a face without emotion*

Yn: Can you tell me what I don't know about Jungkook? Will you explain to me what I did wrong by shooting at him??

Jhope: First you tell me why you shot Jungkook, why your family killed Jungkook's family.

Yn: What?? It was Jungkook who killed my dad, that's when I shot him. My family did not kill Jungkook's family.

Jhope: Your dad died????? who told you that Jungkook killed him and who told you this??

Yn: Yes and dad told us, the last name he took before he died was Jungkook.

Jhope: He took the name and you agreed that perhaps he wanted to say something else.

Yn: I don't know but how can you say that my family killed Jungkook's family when we were there where my dad was taking his last breaths.

Jhope: Jungkook's dad's secretary found a letter in Jungkook's dad's hand on which it was written that "Jungkook, you should never trust those Kims." And when he didn't believe that letter, he came to you to ask but you shot him before he could say anything, you didn't know that he almost died while his mistake was to love you. And he wanted to meet you even after recovery but we stopped him.

Yn: W-what have I done?? *You started repenting with panicking*

Jhope: Jungkook also got evidence against your family but till date he has not done anything but you just heard his name from your dad's mouth and shot him and understood that he was the one who had killed him.

Yn: So I was the one who broke his trust and-

Jhope: Yes, you are the reason for all his troubles today and all he has given you till date is love which you never deserved.

Yn: Y-yeah, I don't deserve his love. *As soon as you said this, you became dizzy and fell unconscious.*

Jhope: Yn!! *He quickly picked you up from there and made you lie down on the couch in the living room. Meanwhile, Suga also came there.*

Suga: What happened Jhope??? *He came towards you*

Jhope: I don't know but she suddenly fainted.

Jimin: What happened hyung??

Jimin and Jungkook came to where Jhope and Suga were standing, They both looked at you and Jungkook immediately came over to you.

Jk: H-hey Yn!

Jhope: she suddenly fainted.

Jimin brought water from the kitchen and sprinkled a few drops of it on you, which made you suddenly conscious.

Jk: Yn, Who told you to come down when you are not allowed to leave the r⏤ *you cut him off by hugging him*

Yn: Sorry Jungkook, I know I don't deserve forgiveness but please forgive me anyway. Please Jungkook I-I never stopped l-loving you, you were the only person who was a-always in my heart. *Sobbing with hiccups*

Jungkook broke the hug and left from there. Meanwhile the maid gave you juice which Jimin encouraged you to drink. But the only thought in your mind was to beg for forgiveness from Jungkook by whatever means.

Yn: I-I need to talk to him.

Suga: Yn, Stop, you talk to him when the time is right.

Yn: But⏤

Jhope: As you said, I think that both of you have become victims of this misunderstanding and there is someone else who has brought this misunderstanding between you. And if you talk to Jungkook, it won't be okay, so I'll talk to him instead of you.

Suga: That's right, Jimin, you take Yn to her room and we will talk to Jungkook.

Jimin: Yn, come.

In Jungkook's room.....

Jhope: What??

Suga: You say you knew why Yn shot you??

Jk: Yes Hyung, I came to know everything yesterday when I left here, some people tried to kidnap me but they could not do anything but one of the goons gave me a letter in which it was written that.

"Jungkook, you know who I am and I know how much you miss your parents whom I have reformed in the afterlife. You might be wondering whether I am Mr Kim but I had killed him too on the same day and I created a misunderstanding between you two families so that you yourself kill each other but it did not work but now I have come back and my first victim will be your and Kims's beloved Yn."

Suga: Who is it? Did you know??

Jk: I tried to find information about him but couldn't find anything.

Jhope: He said, you know him, Do you have any enemies here?? The enemy we also don't know about.

Jk: There is no one you don't know but my dad may have an enemy you don't know.

Suga: Some oldest enemy??

Jk: Maybe.

Jhope: But Jungkook, why did you ignore Yn's words like this??

Jk: Hyung I couldn't let myself break down in front of her couldn't show how much it hurt.

Suga: But you should talk to her.

Jhope: Jungkook, it wasn't her fault either. Go meet her.

Jk: I'm not wanna talk to her. And please don't force me either.

❝𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬❞🔞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now