𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Author pov
You were going with your friend Ara for the next lecture and she said to you.

Ara: Yn that boy is probably staring at you and I think not only today but he probably already likes you, I have noticed it many times. *She said while pointing towards a boy*

Yn: What is the topic in this lecture today??

Ara: I am telling you something else and you are asking me something else. Don't ignore my words like this.

Yn: Ara, how many times have I said that I don't like all this.

Ara: But you still haven't told me the reason.

Yn: I don't want to remember anything about that so stop this nonsense and go to the lecture.

Ara: Today I feel like you are behaving like me and I am behaving like you.

Yn: Yes, it is my job to tease you in the name of boys.

Ara: Now you are in no hurry to go to the lecture.

Yn: Yeah, let's go.

After this, both of you reached to attend your lecture and took your seats. Jhope took his seat right behind you and kept his eyes on you.
After some time, when the lecture was over, you and your friend got up and went outside and Jhope followed you when you came out of the university, he suddenly said.

Jhope: She came out.

Your pov
I came out of the university and was discussing the topic taught today with Ara when I saw that Tae Oppa was already there for me and was busy on the phone with his face turned away.

I started running towards them but suddenly a black car stopped in front of me and a man wearing a mask came out of it and he moved towards me. He held my hand.

Yn: Leave me, who are you??

He didn't say anything and placed my hair behind my ears with his hand and placed something edgy on my neck and after that I started seeing everything blurry and then it became dark.

After some time
I opened my eyes and found myself in a room which was not my house at all. I was feeling a lot of pain in my head at that time. I held my head and said.

Yn: What happened to me??

??: Nothing, just a little sedative effect.

I looked in the direction from where I got this reply and saw that a man who was looking out of the window of that room said, I could not see his face but his muscular body was like that of my brothers and he was dressed like a mafia and after seeing his room I felt that he is a mafia.

Yn: Who the hell are you??

??: Kim Yn, you forgot me too soon.

He turned towards me and the only name that came out of my mouth was.

Yn: Jungkook!!

Jk: Yeah, baby, miss me?? Hmm I guess no.

Yn: Oh so today you yourself have come forward after sending so many of your guards.

Jk: I didn't know you were so eager to meet me.

Yn: Hmm you can say because the one who hides is a criminal, I thought you are that's why maybe you are not showing your face.

Jk: If I am a criminal then what about your you and your family??

Yn: My family is not like yours.

Jk: Yes, those who become innocent after murdering.

Yn: Before speaking, look inside yourself because, IN YOUR FAMILY ALL PEOPLE ARE MURDER.

Jk: Look at your own family before you speak.

Yn: I don't want to talk to you anymore, I want to get out of here.

Jk: Oh, then go.

I got up from that bed and went straight down the stairs towards where the main door was, I opened it and saw a scene like this.

I got up from that bed and went straight down the stairs towards where the main door was, I opened it and saw a scene like this

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My eyes remained wide open as there was no way to go anywhere and only tall trees were visible.

Jk: Baby, got shocked, I am the one who brought you here and also the one who takes you, so there is no chance.

I turned towards him who was standing behind me and said this. I got furious with anger. I went near him and grabbed his collar.

Yn: Send me from here to my house otherwise my brother will not spare you. *He grabbed me by my hand which was on his collar and turned me around and held me behind.*

Jk: There's nothing your brother can do except search for you like fools.

Yn: You go to them then see.

Jk: Why doesn't they have the courage to come here and face me??

Yn: What are you thinking of bringing me here now?? When you left me then.

Jk: I don't care about you, I just want to torment your brothers.

Yn: If you dare to do anything to them, I will not spare you.

Jk: Save yourself first.

He held my hand and pulled me towards the same room where I was earlier, he took me into the same room and pushed me inside due to which I fell on the floor. And my elbow got hurt and then I understood that he has brought me here to kill me slowly.

Jk: From now on you will stay here, don't even think of running away because there is no way.

Saying this, he closed the door and left from there. I got up from there and sat down and started thinking that he can do whatever he wants, my oppa has made me strong, these small injuries will not do anything to me.

But at that time, nothing else, I was worried about my brothers, how should I tell them that I am here, they might be worried. My brothers have taught me to be strong but why are these tears coming in my eyes?? This person always makes me cry.

Author pov

Rm: How can you say that you did not find her there??

V: I am telling you the truth, I didn't find her, I checked the whole university but I couldn't find her.

Jin: Now on top of that, even your spy is not picking up the phone.

Rm: Yn might have been kidnapped by that Jeon Jungkook.

V: I will just go and show him his true place, he understands what he is, how he has the courage to do so.

Rm: Don't be stupid, he can do anything with Yn so we need a better plan.

Jin: You keep making plans, I am going.

Rm: And what will you say after going there that give Yn back and they will also give her to you, huh??

Jin: What else can I do, I can't bear it, if he does something to her then.

Rm: If he still cared about her that much, he wouldn't do anything to her.

V: You still think he'll care about her at all after that day, Yn shot him. That day his heart was broken.

Jin: We know that she did not do it intentionally but he does not know it, he can do anything to take revenge.

Rm: We should not waste our time in talking now, do something quickly.

V: Yes hyung I'm really worried about Yn.

Jin: Not only you, we are also equally worried.

❝𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬❞🔞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now