𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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Author pov
He took you to a completely different room, threw you on the bed and after leaving, he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. And you were just there wondering what he was going to do.

He moved his steps towards you and hovered over you, You put your hands on his chest to push him away but he held your hands with one of his hands.

Yn: Hey, w-what are you doing don't touch me.

But he didn't say anything and tied your with his hand. You started sliding your legs on the bedsheet to get away from him but he took your legs under him so you couldn't move even a little.

Jk: Baby, What happened, I have been giving you what you wanted. Earlier you used to say a lot that you want me to touch you, But now don't you like my touch??

Yn: Leave me go away!!!!

He slowly started opening the buttons of your shirt and you kept screaming but he did not stop. He opened all the buttons of your shirt and started rubbing his hand on your stomach. and then started giving you wet kisses.

Yn: Jungkook please. *Started sobbing*

But he didn't listen and kept kissing your stomach. You were feeling very disgusted with yourself at that time because things are not the same as before and a lot has changed between you. You couldn't bear it anymore for him to touch you like this, so you screamed.

Yn: Jungkook I loved you, you weren't like this.

He stopped and looked at in your teary eyes and then he stood up from there and shouted.


Saying this, he slammed the door and went away and you started crying loudly.

Yn: J-Jungkook what you did to me was wrong. How much I loved you. What harm did my dad do to you?? Why you killed him. WHY!!!

On the other hand
All Kim brothers are worried because they couldn't find anything about you no matter how hard they tried, they know that Jungkook kidnapped you but but he doesn't have any clue to know that you are with him.

Today he spent the whole day searching for you, they neither ate anything nor took a moment's rest there. They just had to find out where you are.

And here,

Jimin: Let's invite Jungkook to the party tomorrow, the deal for new weapons will also be completed there.

Suga: So do you think, without him they will give us those weapons??

Jhope: Message him now.

Jimin: Done. *said while showing his phone*

Jk pov
I was sitting in my room drinking to forget my old bitter memories which today Yn deliberately said me to make me feel the same pain again. I don't want to remember those memories at all.

Once I remember, I feel relieved that how happy we all were together, but later that bitter truth comes to mind and those comforting memories start giving pain.

What her family did to us was a big betrayal. They took away everything from me. They took away all my happiness. They took away my dear people. I loved Yn with all my heart and she shot that heart.

In anger I threw that glass on the wall and it broke and then a message popped up in my phone.

Jimin hyung
Jungkook, there is a meeting tomorrow regarding new weapons, don't forget to come to xxx place.

I will reach.

I put my phone on the drawer and went to take a shower. After some time, when I came from the shower, I wore my trousers and nothing else on top. Then I picked up my gun and sat down and started cleaning it when I heard the sound of something breaking from outside.

I put my gun back and wore my shirt without buttoning it and went out. I didn't see anyone in the hall so I went down to look and after looking around a bit I saw Yn in the kitchen who was drinking water. I stood near the pillar near the kitchen, my hands were folded on my chest. My eyes were fixed on her, on her every move.

When she turned after drinking water, she saw me and got shocked. I raised my eyebrows but she ignored me and started walking from there. When she reached my side, I pulled her by the arm and pinned her to that pillar.

Yn: Leave me, what is your problem??

Jk: You are my biggest problem.

Yn: Then kill me.

Jk: How so soon??

Yn: I know you want to torture me here.

Jk: No I don't want to kill you.

Yn: Huh??

Jk: I have to give you a taste of your own medicine.

Yn: Let me go I don't understand any of your nonsense.

Jk: You are in a hurry to get away from me.

Author pov
He came so close to your face that his breath was mingling with yours. You placed your hand on his bare chest to push him away but when you realized that the buttons of his shirt were open, you removed your hand and panicked and started looking around.

Jk: That's my effect on you.

Yn: No!! Let me go.

Jk: No??

He lifted your chin with his index finger so that you met his gaze. You looked into his eyes for some time and then started turning your face in the other direction but he again turned your face towards him and suddenly smashed his lips on yours.

Your eyes widened in tears. Today he kissed you for the second time forcefully and you failed again in not letting him touch you. You don't even know why you are not able to hit him when he touches you. You yourself don't know why you become weak in front of him.

❝𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬❞🔞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now