Chapter 7

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Leonardo's POV


The past two years flew by. Now we have three in school and shocker Mandy is pregnant again. At this point, the question is when is she not? And no she's not a whore and yes I can stay off her, but we want a lot of kids and we want them close in age. So they can grow up together and as friends, the five-year difference is not what I want. 

Today is exciting because we will learn the gender which will be worth the pain Mandy has endured so far. She's doing a great job and I'm so proud of her.

We had just finished the ultrasound and I'm a bit nervous. This pregnancy has taken a bigger toll on Mandy she's not that old only 34. Her stomach is bigger than in the past too. The nurse took off her gloves and smiled.

"I'm happy to tell you that you have not only one but two healthy boys," she says.

"Twins," I say a little surprised. I should've put the signs together. Like last time we stop at the bakery this time getting donuts. 

"Boys we have a treat," I say. My boys run into the kitchen. It's crazy how fast they grew up. Vanni will be nine this year and starting to bloom as a person. He's always helping with his siblings or trying to be like me and Vin is 7 trying to be like Vanni. Or fighting with Vanni which doesn't happen as much as bickering between Vin and the younger ones. Vanni stays out of it for the most part. 

"Donuts this time!" Vin says excitedly.  I pass them each two.

"Why do we get two?" Matteo asks.

"Because there's two babies stupid," Cole says. 

"Hey be nice or you won't get any," I scold. This boy is an issue he is a bit sassy and is too smart for his own good sometimes. 

"Okay ready set go," Mandy says as the boys dig in.

"Twin boys!" Cole shouts.

"Can you scream any louder?" Vin asks.

"Yeah wanna hear."

"No screaming," Mandy says.

"Yes please listen to your mother she needs us to keep the volume down till your brothers are born. Can we try to do that please," I lecture my sons hoping it can help in the slightest bit.

"Yes Dad," they say. Good let's hope they stick to it for heaven knows both Mandy and I need it. 

Our busy lifestyle continued the next morning like most. Get them ready and out of the house on time, go to work, and pick them up from their various schools and practices. Anytime they see Mandy they get quieter sometimes Teo forgets, but the older ones remind him. They are all such good examples for their brother and it makes me so proud. 

The next month went like the rest with a few days all the responsibilities falling on me when Mandy was feeling sick. Carrying two seems like Hell. If she is in too much pain or too sick to hang out with her kids then it's bad and I won't force her to do anything. We are partners so if that means I have to step up and do extra every once in a while I will.

Luckily today she's feeling good and can keep the kids entertained outside while I escape to my office to get some work done. I'm a bit behind, but it's okay I'll catch up in no time. The hours flew by as the stack of papers piled up got lower and lower. At 6 there's a knock at the door which I quickly get up to open. Mandy stands behind the door with bloodshot eyes and a tear-stained face as more quickly falls. She falls into me and I lead her to the couch and comfort her. Once she calms down a bit I ask her what happened.

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