Chapter 20

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Giovanni's POV


School started back up and has gone smoothly so far. We are in the first week of February though. We celebrated Vince's birthday last Tuesday and today the boys are hanging out around the house being lazy, but that's what Saturdays are for. The one thing about this house is it's so big something I don't see my siblings and that's been the case today, but I have been up in my office all day cleaning weapons. I came down to get a snack from the kitchen and now I'm on my way back upstairs to continue my project.

The doorbell rang as I began to walk upstairs. I turned around to answer. We never get visitors. Usually, guests are friends, but I know when they are coming over no one sells anything to us because of the gate to get in and it's a trek up to the front door. My phone buzzed and I knew it was a notification someone was at the gate. It's been lagging and sending late notifications. Remind me to fix that later.

"Hi, can I help you?" I ask. A woman in a business suit with a skirt stands on the other side.

"Yes, I'm from CPS can I come in," she says. No, but I know that would not look good so I allow her.

"Sorry to be rude, but I was headed to the bathroom when you arrived do you mind if I go before we start talking?" I ask. She agrees and I lead her to the living room. I get in the bathroom and pull out my phone. I text Vince and ask him to put the weapons upstairs away so if she goes up there she won't see anything suspicious. I then text Nico and tell him about our guest and try to keep the boys on their best behavior. 

"Sorry about that," I say sitting down.

"No worries. My name is Carla Hester. Earlier we received a call concerned about the care of your brothers so I'm here to make sure living conditions are in good standards, but first I have a few questions," she says. I am very nervous right now I don't want them to take away my siblings.

"Is it true that your brother Alessandro has been getting in fights at school?"


"Did you send your brother to get him from school after he had to be sent home early?"

"Yes, but he offered."

"Very well. I also have seen a few of your other brothers have gotten detentions because of behavior."

"It's been hard to adjust for them after their father left them," I say. She writes down a few things before asking for a tour. I oblige getting up and showing her the library, bathroom, laundry, music room, game room, movie room, my office, the master bedroom, dining room, and lastly kitchen. The kitchen is a mess right now, but it's on my to-do list to clean this weekend. I see her take notes as we enter each room.

"Where are your siblings now?" Most are outside and a few are in their rooms," I say. Thankfully Nico texted me where they were in case I needed to know. We take a step onto the deck and I count five meaning only Vince is missing. He should be in his room or working out. We head upstairs and we enter each room starting with mine and going down the line. The rooms are all clean except for Matteo's closet which I have asked several times to clean, but we'll talk later. I showed her Charlie's room which made me sad. I haven't been in here in so long and the guest room. We head down the stairs to the gym where we find Vince running on the treadmill. He stops when he sees us and grabs a towel to wipe his face and hands before laying it around his neck.

"Vincenzo Giordano," he says with his hand out.

"Carla Hester," she says shaking his hand. "Feel free to get back to it we are leaving," she says. He nods.

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