Chapter 14

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Giovanni's POV


I hate the second semester of school. It's always so long and there's nothing to look forward to just a few dances and spirit weeks. I don't understand the hype you get dressed up for two hours of what is usually lame and boring with shitty food and music. I would rather just party instead of having to go to the dance. 

I will say the break was nice. We celebrated the twins, I can't believe they are already five, Christmas was a success we made sure the magic was still there, and New Year's was fun although I don't remember some of it, but who cares? I would be dead if Dad knew what I did on New Year's, but I wanna party and hang out with friends, but he doesn't understand. It's his way or the highway. Which is a highway to hell made up of punishment usually physical. 

He's changed in the last few weeks, but it's weird one week he's his old self the next he's a new man with no signs of the caring father he once was. He's also so dead set on training me every day. I had to work with him again most days when I wasn't busy during the break. I just hope he lets the rest of my brothers be kids. He's made Vince and Nico start training in the morning with me, but I hope he leaves it at that for now.

All I can do now is throw myself into school like always. It makes him proud of me which is rare and I feel like I always need to please him. It's my way of getting out of things like him hitting me, but all he can see are the A's. I wish he could look past the grade and see me, but since school started again he stopped that. I want my old dad back the one that was here two weeks ago and I want him to stay.

Surprisingly the first month of school went by pretty fast and the first spirit week and dance are just around the corner. 

"Gio is someone gonna ask you?" Gabe asks me. The winter dance is a sadies dance where the girls ask the guys which means I have less work.

"There's no one to ask me," I say.

"That's such a lie. There's a whole line of girls who would die to go with you," James says.

"I should say there's no one brave enough to ask," I say. Not to sound like I have a huge ego, but I know a lot of girls like me. I'm good-looking, popular, smart, and athletic. But we work for everything in school and sports. Mainly because our father expects us to be the best.

"Olivia might ask," Ollie adds to the conversation. 

"She might I guess we'll see," I say. Olivia and I have been kinda talking not every night, but most and so far I've kept it a secret the only people who know are my three friends who found out last week. "Anyone ask y'all?"

"I heard Harper may ask me," Ollie says.

"And Harper told me Taylor is gonna ask me," Gabe says.

"Violet will ask you," I answer for James. He and Violet started dating at the end of last summer and have surprisingly stayed together. Don't tell him I'm surprised. Gabe and Ollie are also surprised we placed bets for how long with would last. Ollie won he said they would last till Christmas which was the closest, but we all still lost because they are still together. 

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I bid goodbye to my friends as Gabe and I walked to History. I sat in the back with my textbook open mainly as a shield to use my phone. Gabe sat next to me asleep and not even trying to hide it. The teacher couldn't care less he's so done with the pair of us, but we still had about four months so we have mutually ignored each other. As long as we are doing good he won't care what we do in class. The bell rang and I pulled Gabe's hand out that was holding his head making him bang it on his desk.

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