Chapter 12

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Giovanni's POV


"Please dad," I beg.

"No Giovanni I already said no. We are having a family movie night tonight," he says. 'Family' hardly mom isn't invited. They have been fighting for the past two years, but it's bad recently. I just wanted to go to one of my first parties. I wanna live a little. 

"Go get dressed and meet in the gym in five." Great. I signed myself up for more training. For the past two years, he's been extra strict towards me. Less of a father and more of a boss. 

"Go ahead and warm up with a four-mile run," he says once I walk in. Six minutes later I get off the treadmill my legs already aching. "Come on boy get on your gloves." I put on the boxing gloves and get in my stance. We end up boxing for two hours before Mom walks in. Dad did not go easy and I feel like shit now.

"Give the boy a break," she says. She still looks out for us even though she's been distant. She acts better towards the older ones having little to no patience for the younger ones except Charlie. I feel bad. I have been raising the younger ones, with the help of Vince and Nico, because our parents can't do their jobs anymore. It can't be that hard and they chose to have all these kids. I walk upstairs as I hear Dad yelling.

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do and never interrupt us again," he says leaving and slamming the door. I walk back downstairs.

"Gio your face is bleeding and she looks under my shirt your stomach is covered in bruises." I shrug it off. She hands me my sister and further examines my state. "I wish I could bring you all. I promise someday soon he will be out of your lives forever," she says.

"Just start with the four and we will be okay," I say. After last night, she came to me crying and told me she was leaving and would come back for us if she could. I wanna believe she will, but I know after she leaves I won't see her again. She's gonna take the younger four and give them a decent life which makes no sense because she practically neglects the youngest three boys, but anything is better than living with this man we call dad. I give her Charlie back and go upstairs to my room and take a shower. Like Dad said at four he gathered all of us in the movie room where we spent the night watching movies and eating food. It felt like a normal night hanging with Dad, but I knew it was cause he wanted to watch us. Poor Charlie was fighting to keep her eyes open.

"It's okay to sleep," I whisper to her. She soon falls asleep followed by Bruno and the twins. After lots of convincing Dad agreed to let Nico put Charlie in her room to sleep peacefully since she kept waking up from the noise. Eventually, we all fell asleep.

 Dad and I woke up around five to go work out and we finished around 6. We walked into Charlie's room to find it empty. Dad ran to his room and searched the house.

"No sign of Amanda," he informs me. Fuck. I regret all my decisions now we should've kept our eye on Charlie. Maybe this is for the best she has a chance at a good life.


My father has not been the same since that day. He has been cold and harsh. Barley letting us do anything. He's gotten Vin all wrapped up in the harsh training now too. They are more physical, and he's started bringing me upstairs and to the basement.

"I have a test for you today," he says. I nod and follow as we enter the basement. I see him enter the code. It's changed it's now Charlie's birthday. I take a breath and follow. I need to keep the thought she's safe in my head and move on. "This guy compromised our last shipment and I need you to teach him a lesson understood?"

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