Chapter 17

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Giovanni's POV


The past week has been as smooth as it can be in this family. The boys were at school and myself busy with work. 

"Hi," I say to one of my soldiers as they pass. I make it to my office and hang up my coat as I sit down my phone rings. What brother is in trouble now?

"Hello," I say into the phone.

"Giovanni sweetie," a woman's voice says. Not just anyone's my grandma.

"Can I help you?" I ask kind of coldly.

"Please just listen to me," she pauses. "It's not your father's fault he tried to keep it together for you, but it was too much. His actions all were to make you strong enough to take over just as your grandfather taught him. He loves you all and each day he feels so guilty for leaving. Please don't hate him."

"That's funny. I now have the pressure he wasn't strong enough to carry and I will be strong enough because the last thing my brothers need is for another person to abandon them. And for the record, his action didn't prepare me he was crazy and believed pain would teach lessons. They teach fear is not a way of learning from mistakes," I say hanging up. Now he feels sorry, but can't even speak to me to apologize. I fucking hate parents. I grab my phone and dial the one person who can help me take my mind off of things.

"What's up," Gabriel asks.

"I need to get my mind off of things," I say.

"Tonight at the usual spot?" Gabe asks and I agree. I text Vince and ask if he could babysit tonight which he agrees. I know this is passing the pressure to him, but I need a break. 

I pick up the three youngest and once they are all in the car I explain the plan for tonight. "Listen up. I am going out tonight. Vince is in charge so please listen to him. I am leaving after dinner and will be home late after you are all in bed so please behave."

"You got it," the twins say.

"Okay," B says. Let's hope they stay true to their word. Like always they start on their homework while I start dinner. The other three come home and shower and do some homework till dinner is done cooking. 

"How was everyone's day?" I ask once we all have food. 

"Pretty good, but Ms. Doomer was talking about the book we are reading and asked for our opinions on the author and his writing and I shared my critiques and she went off on me," Vince says.

"I'm sure you were nice right?" I ask knowing he got in trouble and this is his way of telling me. He nods. "So how many days do you have detention for?"

"How did you know? Did the school tell you?" Vince asks.

"No, I just know everything. Remember that." After we all finish we bring our plates to the kitchen where Vince and I wash them. It's his punishment although he sometimes helps anyway.

"Enzo," Luca says running into the kitchen.


"Can we watch Cars tonight?" He asks. Vince looks at his watch.

"If you set it up right now and all of you get in your PJs then we can, but it's bedtime right after," Vince says.

"yay, thanks Enzo. Best babysitter ever," he says leaving to tell the rest. We laugh.

"Thanks for helping out," I say.

"You deserve a night out," he says.

"Call if you need me," I say.

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