Chapter 11: The End

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Akio Hisashi:

"Incoming," Nemo yells, pointing at the sky filled with jumping paper ninjas. Throwing paper ninja stars at us, Emica and I jump out of the way. Jumping and flipping to dodge the paper stars, I reach into my pouch and throw a smoke pellet.

My smoke pellet hits the paper ninjas and explodes. Thick black smoke swallows all of the paper ninjas and they stop throwing paper stars.

Landing on a hand and my feet, I push myself up and look at the smoke.

Seeing nothing for the first few moments, I turn to Nemo.

"Are they defeated," I ask.

"No," Nemo shouts, pointing behind me. "No, they're not!"

Turning around, I see the paper ninjas falling out of the smoke. While a few did land badly and knocked themselves out, most of the paper ninjas landed on their hands and feet. Pushing themselves up, they pull out their paper weapons and charge toward me.

Pulling out my two wooden bokken, I block and counter endless attacks. One paper ninja running toward me with dual paper swords jumps into the air. It slams its swords, trying to hit me, but I jump out of the way and kick the paper ninja off the roof. As I kick this paper ninja off the roof, another one appears and attacks me with a spear.

"Akio, behind you!"

Turning, I barely have enough time to dodge this paper ninja as it repeatedly tries to hit me. Jumping to the left and then to the right, the paper ninja then raises the spear and swings it.

Jumping back and falling behind, I catch myself on my hands.

"Ahhh," I scream as I jump back up and attack this paper ninja with my bokken. Hitting the paper ninja on its shoulder, it bends where I hit it, folding in on itself. Because of the bend, this paper ninja is unable to move like before. About to kick this paper ninja off the roof, Nemo again warns me.

"Akio, straight ahead!"

Looking where Nemo tells me, I see two paper ninjas on their knees. Opening their hands, they reveal stacks of paper stars. Immediately throwing the paper stars, I have no choice but to fall back.

Swinging my bokkens, I manage to catch many of the paper stars, the stars sticking to my weapons. As the paper ninjas force me back, I stop when I realize I have no rooftop left.

Looking behind me, and seeing the drop, I turn back only to see three paper ninjas all running toward me. Simultaneously, they all jump into the air and shoot out their foot. I cross my bokken swords but it's not enough. Altogether, the three paper ninjas knock me off the rooftop.

Emica Kana:

"Akio," I shout, seeing my partner disappear over the rooftop ledge. I try to run to see if Akio is okay but before I can, a paper dart cuts me off. It cuts through the metal railing, and when the paper ninja pulls the paper dart back, it leaves a wide gasp.

"Talk about paper cuts," Noon says.

Turning, Noon and I see four paper ninjas, all armed with paper rope darts. Spinning them in circles, the paper ninjas then throw all of them.

"Emica," Noon shouts.

"I see them," I scream. Reaching behind me, I pull out my bo staff and spin. While I spin, I swing my wooden bo staff and hit all the paper darts out of the air. Falling to the ground, I rush toward the paper ninjas before they can pull the dart back.

Jumping into the air, I kick the first paper ninja to the floor. Spinning my bo staff around, I hit two more paper ninjas. The last and final paper ninja manages to pull back its paper dart.

Picking up the dart, the paper ninja throws it at me but I quickly block it with my chigiriki. Throwing my chigiriki, our weapons hit each other and they get tied together. I pull my chigiriki back but the paper ninja pulls its paper rope dart back. Now, the paper ninja and I are stuck together.

Noon Encarnacion:

Watching as Emica and the paper ninja play tug of war, I hear dozens of fast footsteps and turn around.

"Uhhh, Emica," I say, flying over to her. "Emica!"

"What," Emica asks, still fighting to keep her chain.

"We're about to have company," I answer. "A lot of paper company!"

Turning her head, Emica sees at least a dozen more paper ninjas, all armed and running toward her. Looking past the paper ninjas, I see Jaakuna Sakka still writing in that flying notebook of his.

"As the Green Emerald Ninja falls," Jaakuna narrates, "And the Red Rose Ninja is left alone, Jaakuna Sakka's paper minions will soon overrun her, and take her precious trinket."

"I am really starting to hate this story," I say, watching as the new paper ninjas get closer and closer. "Emica! I'm sorry to say this, but you're going to have to leave your chain behind! There's no other choice!"

Emica looks at me. Even though we don't say anything, she knows I'm right. With no other choice, Emica lets go. The second Emica lets go of her chain, the paper ninja jumps back. It hits a railing and falls over it before sliding off the roof, taking Emica's chain with it.

Spinning around, now armed only with her bo staff, Emica fights the dozen or so paper ninjas. They come at her from all angles but, somehow, Emica is still able to hold her own against all of them.

Raising and blocking a swing from a paper sword, Emica kicks this paper ninja down.

"To your right," I shout.

Turning her head, Emica sees a paper ninja charging at her with a spear. Shooting out her staff, Emica hits this paper ninja in the head. She stuns it before swinging her staff and hitting the paper ninja to the ground.

"Bow and arrows," I scream, pointing at a paper ninja as it reaches behind to grab a paper arrow. Loading the arrow into the paper bow, the ninja pulls the string back.

Raising the bow, the paper ninja fires. Seeing the paper arrow as it flies through the air, Emica jumps off a railing and dodges the arrow. However, as soon as Emica lands back on the rooftop, a bunch of paper ninjas jump her. They tackle her, coming from the side and knocking her off the rooftop.

"Emica," I shout, flying after Emica as she and some paper ninjas slide off the rooftop. I can only watch as Emica lands on the hard stone ground.

Flying over to her, I kneel down and place my invisible hand on Emica.

"Emica," I start, "Are you okay?"

Moaning at first, Emica pushes herself up.

"I'm fine," Emica answers. Shaking her head, Emica starts looking around. "My bo staff! Where is my bo staff?"

"Emica's bo staff," I repeat. "Oh no!"

I snap my head left and right as I look for Emica's staff. Somehow, it's gone. It must have rolled off somewhere but where?

I start looking for Emica's staff too. I go as far as I can and look all over for Emica's wooden bo staff but as I look around for it, I see a large shadow looming over me.

"Oh no," I say, looking up to see something flying in the air. It twists and turns as it flies down toward us.

"Emica," I shout. Hearing me, Emica pushes herself up and runs to where I am. Standing side-by-side, we both look as whatever it is lands in front of us, shooting dust into the air and knocking Emica back.

"Oh, are you kidding me," I scream. There, standing before me and Emica is a long, massive, paper Chinese dragon. It looks like it's made from hundreds and hundreds of sheets of paper, all put together, and standing on top of the dragon is Jaakuna Sakka.

"It seems we have reached the ending," Jaakuna says and writes down. "Red Rose Ninja. You have lost your weapons. You have lost your partner. You cannot beat my paper dragon. Give me your trinket, and I will let you walk out of here."

Emica backs up but paper ninjas and even the giant paper guardian quickly land behind her, blocking and trapping Emica.

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