Chapter 16: The Prime Suspect

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Raymond Farid:

"What was that sound," I ask, hearing something as soon as my wife and I return with more Blaschka flowers. "Did you hear that?"

Running through the museum's hallway, back to the Glass Flower exhibit, I scream when I see the display case empty.

"Raymond," my wife yells, running over to me. "What---Oh no."

Turning her head, my wife sees the same thing I see. A completely empty display case with a large circular opening on it.

"The Blaschka flowers," Quinn shouts. "Where are they? What happened to them?"

Before I can even think of a possible explanation, I hear that strange sound again.

"Follow me," I say. I look around for a safe spot. Looking at the empty glass display, I reach through the hole in the case and place the flowers down.

"Come on! Put the flowers down and then follow me."

My wife places the flowers down and follows me. Following the strange sound, we rush through the hallway. Entering the Nests and Eggs exhibit, I stop when I see someone holding up the whole Egg display case.

"The Green Emerald Ninja," I shout, not believing my eyes. I rub them to make sure I'm not seeing things but no, what I'm seeing right now is what I'm seeing right now.

"Why are you here? And what have you done?"

For some strange reasons that I can't even begin to understand, the famous Boston Green Emerald Ninja is trapped underneath the display case. He's struggling to keep it from crashing onto the floor. Wanting to keep the eggs safe, I rush to help the Green Ninja.

"I got it," I say, helping to hold one side up. With my help, the Green Ninja and I can start to lower the display case gently.

"Easy," I say, looking at the eggs as they move around. They're rolling all over the glass but thankfully, none of them have cracked yet.

"Easy. Easy!"

Gently setting the whole case down, the Green Ninja and I stand back up. As I stand straight up and catch my breath, I hear my wife's voice.

"Over here," Quinn yells. "Guards! Over here! In the Nests and Eggs Exhibit!"

A few seconds later, Quinn runs back into the exhibit with three security guards behind her. The guards freeze when they see the Green Ninja.

"It's the Green Emerald Ninja," one of the guards whispers.

"No way," another one says. "My son is not going to believe this!"

"Wait, what is he even doing here? The museum isn't open yet."

"Raymond," my wife says. She runs up and hugs me. As she hugs me, I waste no time and hug her back. We stay like this for a few minutes before pulling back.

"Don't worry," I say with a smile. "Not a single egg is cracked."

"I'm glad," my wife answers with a smile. However, her smile disappears a second later.

"While looking for the security guards," Quinn starts, "I checked the surveillance cameras. All of today's footage was deleted."

"What about the guard on duty at the time?"

"We found him tapped up. He said a girl with orange hair duck-tapped him before stealing his ID badge. She then crawled into the air vents and disappeared."

"So it might have been the girl who stole the glass flowers," I say. "Still."

"Still," Quinn repeats.

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