Chapter 12: An Alternate Ending

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Emica Kana:

Despite being disarmed and greatly outnumbered, I still put up my hands.

"Emica," Noon says, floating beside me and putting up her fists. "You have a plan. Right?"

"Reach the flying notebooks," I answer, "Destroy it and then destroy the dakura tchingu controlling the person."

"Uhhhh, got a plan B?"

I do not have a 'plan B', whatever that is, but I don't get the time to tell Noon. With the swing of his hand, Jaakuna Sakka orders all his paper ninjas and the one giant paper guardian to attack.

Charging from all sides, the paper ninjas are the first to reach me. Jumping and running at me, I throw my fist against the first paper ninja. Hitting it directly in the chest, this paper ninja falls back.

As it falls back, it loses its weapon. Seeing a long paper bo staff just floating there, I reach out and grab it.

"Thank you for this," I say with a smile. Holding the newly acquired bo staff, I hear footsteps coming from behind. Turning around and swinging the bo staff, I hit and knock two more paper ninjas to the ground.

When three paper ninjas land in front of me, they start throwing ninja stars at me. Holding up the staff, I twist and turn as I block and dodge all the stars.

Jumping and flipping through the air to dodge more stars, I slam the staff down as I land. The staff sends a shockwave that knocks all the paper ninjas to the ground and the paper stars out of their hands.

Spinning the paper staff while moving it from hand to hand, I turn my head when Noon warns me of something.

"Emica, behind you! Paper guardian!"

Turning around, I swing the staff with all my strength. I hit the paper guardian but it doesn't even seem bother in the slightest.

Pulling back its massive arm, the paper guardian slaps me away. I fly through the air, dropping the paper staff, before hitting a metal wall and falling off of it.

"Emica," Noon screams. "Emica! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I lie, holding my waist as I push myself up. Standing up now, I get into a fighting stance, spreading my legs while holding out one hand in front and one hand behind.

I try to hold my stance but Noon must have noticed my shaking hands.

"You're not fine, are you?"

"I am fine," I repeat. Looking at my shaking hands, I give them one last shake before steadying them. I then look up and see the paper guardian approaching me. Trapped in its shadow, I watch as paper ninjas surround us.

Jaakuna Sakka:

"Trapped and unarmed," I write, "The Red Rose Ninja is left defeated. She is outnumbered. She is overpowered. She had lost her weapons. There is nothing she can do."

As I keep writing the story, I hear a voice in my head.

"Excellent story," Don' Yokuna Yokubo says. "But do not forget our deals."

"Of course, Don' Yokuna," I say, "I will not. Once I collect the Red Rose Ninja's trinket, I will find the Green Emerald Ninja and collect his."

Watching as my paper ninjas approach the exhausted Red Ninja, I dip my pen in the ink jar.

"Out of option and left with no choice, the Red Ninja gives up her ruby rose. Her secret identity is exposed and I, Jaakuna Sakka, give both the ruby rose and the emerald dragon to Don' Yokuna. He then let me keep my powers, and because of my powers, I became the greatest writer ever! The en---"

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