Chapter 5: Washing It Away

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Akio Hisashi:

Reaching into one of the pouches around my waist, I pull out a smoke pellet and throw it at Doro Monsuta. A thick cloud of black smoke blinds Doro Monsuta and gives me a chance to get away even further.

"Doooro Monssssuta," Doro Monsuta moans as he covers his face.

Jumping from car to car, I stop when I reach the end of the street and see no more cars.

"Where to now," Nemo asks, still hovering beside me. I see no car but I do see a brick wall right in front of us.

"We go up," I answer, jumping from the roof of the car onto the brick wall. My fingers digging into the clay between the bricks, I pull myself up. Climbing up the wall, I reach the rooftop in a matter of minutes.

"Okay," Nemo says, flying after me. "We're on a rooftop. Away from the slime. Doro Monsuta still looks slightly blind. Now what?"

"I was hoping by now, you would have an idea," I answer.

"Uhh, I still got nothing."

"Nemo," I shout. As I shout, Nemo flies back slightly.

"What," he yells, flying back. "What do you want to say?"

"I want you to give an idea on how to get rid of the slime covering Doro Monsuta so we can get your mask and destroy the dakura tchingu hiding within. Therefore, freeing the little boy of Don' Yokuna Yokubo's dark magic. Come on. Look around! Do you see anything useful?"

"Give me a second," Nemo says, flying over to the ledge. "Give me a second."

As Nemo flies over to the ledge and looks around, I hear a familiar fierce roaring. Looking past Nemo, I see my smoke cloud gone and Doro Monsuta looks around.

"Oh no!"

Looking around myself, I waste no time and hide behind a metal box on the top of the building.

"Nemo," I whisper. "Nemo!"

"What," Nemo asks, flying over to me. "And why are you hiding behind a vent?"

"Doro Monsuta isn't blind anymore. He can see, and he's looking for me and Emica."

I point behind Nemo. Nemo turns around and sees Doro Monsuta as he picks up and looks underneath cars and on rooftops.

"It won't be long before Doro Monsuta looks right. Nemo. If you're going to get an idea, now would be the most ideal time."

"I'm trying! I'm trying! Wait, hold on. I see Emica. She's on a rooftop like us. I think she's trying to signal us."

"How can you be sure?"

"Well, did ninja teacher ever teach you or Emica jumping jacks?

"Jumping what?"

I look out from behind my cover and see Emica on a rooftop across from us. She's waving her arms left and right. When Emica sees me coming out and onto the ledge, she points at something below.

"What is she pointing at?"

I look at the streets below but I see nothing but cars stuck in black slime.

"I get it," Nemo says. "I know what Emica is pointing at."

"You do?"

Nemo and I then watch as Emica starts doing something else. She then bends her knees, holds her hands near her waist, and moves right and left.

"You do get it? Right?"

"Yes! I do! I know what she needs us to do! Wave back at her!"

Still confused with what Emica is trying to tell me, and now also with Nemo, I still wave back at Emica.

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