Chapter 15: The Trickster Fox

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Kicking the cover off, I move fast and catch it before it can fall to the floor. I put the cover inside the vent before crawling and dropping out.

Blowing a bubble, I reach into my backpack and pull out my glass cuter. Placing and pushing the suction cup against the display's glass, I extend the rod with the cutter and then draw a full circle. Once the full circle is drawn, I pull my glass cutter back, and a large glass circle comes with it.

"Beautiful," I say, admiring the sparking, shining glass flowers. Wiping a tear from my eyes, I place the glass circle down before reaching in through the new opening. My fingers carefully and gently wrap around a shining, glass-made lavender. Pulling the flower out, I reach into my bag again and pull out a small box. "Best not to break these."

As I reach for other flowers and put them in my bag, I hear footsteps and then a voice.

"I do not think those are for sale," the Green Emerald Ninja says, standing before me. He crouches down and reaches for one of his wooden swords on his back. "Put the flowers back now."

"Oh my god," I say, squeezing my cheeks. "Oh my god. Oh my god! You're the Green Emerald Ninja! Wait, what are you doing here?

"Uhh," the Emerald Ninjas says. He turns to his left for some reason before turning back to me. "I like museums."

"That makes sense," I say, laughing a little. "After all, you are old!"

Akio Hisashi:

"What," Nemo yells. "Did she just call me old?"

"Actually," I whisper, "I think she called me old."

"Well, yes, but it's my body you're using! My body isn't old! I mean, I'll admit, I have a few wrinkles but that's only because I stay up a lot of nights!"

"Nemo," I say, eyeing my hosuto while facing the woman. "Please. Be quiet!"

Nemo shakes his head and crosses his arms.

"I stay up a lot of nights," Nemo repeats.

I look back at the girl as she stays laughing and pointing at me. The girl doesn't look much older than Nemo. She is very tall and thin. The girl is dressed in a snow-white suit and has a small bag. Besides her clothes, the last thing I see is the girl's long orange hair.

"Give the flowers back," I demand, pulling out one of my bokken swords. The moment I speak, the girl stops laughing and pointing.

"Make me," the girl shouts. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a handful of round, black balls. I watch from a distance as the girl throws them against the floor, blanketing almost the whole exhibit in a thick black smoke.

"What in the world," I say, backing away as the smoke flies toward me. "This girl has smoke bombs."

"She has smoke bombs," Nemo says. "How? Wait, Akio! The flowers!"

"I can't do anything," I say. "Her smoke bombs have hidden her. I can't see through them. I have no idea where she is!"

I focus entirely on the thick smoke cloud, waiting for it to clear. However, since we are indoors, the smoke cloud is not clearing. Instead, it's spreading further and further.

As I wait for the smoke to clear, for anything like an opening, I hear something.

"Do you hear that," I ask.

"Yeah," Nemo answers. "What is that?"

Nemo turns around and then screams.

"Akio! Behind you!"

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