Chapter 9: Bad Writing

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Ovia Afternoon Encarnacion:

"What is this place," Emica asks with her face pressing right against the limo's window. "What are those? What's that? Who is that?"

"This is Golden Star Studio," I whisper, leaning in close to Emica. "It's where films, movies, and t.v. shows are made. Those are cameras. They're used for recording the actors and actresses. That's a trailer. It's where the same actors and actresses go when they're on break."

"Amazing," Emica says with wide, sparking eyes. "But wait. You didn't answer that is over there."

Emica points to a young man with short hair and a green T-shirt.

"Yeah, I have no idea who that is."

Despite not knowing who the young man is, Emica and I still wave at him as we pass him.

My driver stops in front of a large studio building with people coming in and out of it. He rushes out and opens the door for Freddy and me. I don't even put my foot on the ground before someone in a white suit runs up to the three of us.

"Mr. Thomas Benjamin," the man shouts as he grabs and shakes Freddy's hand. The man, a large elderly man with a grey mustache and a shining bald man then turns to me. About to grab me, my driver turns into my bodyguard and pushes the man back. Looking ready to punch the elderly man, Freddy runs and gets in front of him.

"Easy," Freddy says, holding out his hands. "I know this guy. He's...alright."

My driver/bodyguard looking at Freddy, calms down. He lowers his hand and steps back.

"You should be lucky I'm so busy right now," the elderly man says, adjusting his suit as he steps forward again. "Otherwise, you, me, and my lawyer would be having a long talk."

The elderly man's frown turns upside down as he steps forward again. Taking my hands, he not only shakes it. He crushes it.

"And you," he says, "Oh yes. I know you very well, Ms. Famous, Teen Model, voted one of the most beautiful teen models eight years in a row."

I smile as I fight through the pain that comes with a broken hand.

"Smiling," I tell myself. "Keep smiling."

"Even I can feel that," Emica says, patting my shoulder.

"Ms. Ovia Afternoon Encarnacion," the man goes on, pulling back his hand. The second he does, I hide my hand behind my back and make sure I can still move my fingers.

"Noon," Freddy starts. "Noon's uh...driver and bodyguard. This is Gunner."

"Mac Gunner," Mac Gunner says, taking over. "I'm one of the producers for your brand new movies, and already, just from looking at the two of you, I can tell this movie will be big. Big I tell you. Big! So big, the banks in Boston won't be able to hold all the money from the ticket sales alone!"

Gunner laughs as he turns around and walks into the building.

"Uhh," I say, looking at him and then at Freddy. "Are we supposed to follow him?"

"Yeah," Freddy says with a nod. "Come on."

With Freddy leading the way, Emica, my personal driver, and I all follow after Gunner.

"So Freddy," I say, walking beside my apparent co-star. "You've been doing this for a while now."

"Yeah," Freddy answers. "I've been acting since I was around six or seven."

"Funny. That's almost as long as I've been modeling."

"Am I right in guessing you didn't have a lot whole of childhood playtime?"

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