Chapter 17

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Amaris POV

"Mahal mo ako?" gulat at hindi makapaniwalang sabi ni Ryo habang nakaturo sa sarili. "Mahal kita!" he exclaimed.

"Mahal din kita!" I confessed.

Ryo stared at me, speechless as he couldn't find the right words to utter. I did the same. It was at that moment, standing in the open field, that time seemed to stand still.

Our eyes met and my loud beating of heart was pounding inside my ribcage. In the silence that followed, I saw the lovingly look reflected in his eyes.

Ryo stepped in closer, closing the gap and pulled me into a hug. I froze in place but the warmth from his arms made me feel at home.

Hindi siya nagsalita pero ramdam ko ang malakas na kalabog ng kanyang puso.

"Sinasagot na kita." agad na sabi ko.

Don't judge me, mahal ko siya. Alam ko naman na pupunta din 'to sa ligawan at sasagutin ko din naman siya sa huli.

With no hesitation, I decided to become his girlfriend right then and there, without going through the traditional courtship process.

Oh diba, easy relationship!

It was an unexpected twist, but one that felt undeniably right.

I heard him laugh loudly, loosening his hug, I looked at him in confusion. May nakakatawa ba?

He looked at me adoringly before softly pinching my cheeks. "I'll still court you. Hindi tama ang bigla mo nalang ako sinasagot,"

"Pero okay lang naman e, boyfriend na kita agad. Ayaw mo?"

Umiling siya. "Gusto ko yung tamang paraan. We still need to get to know each other, Amaris."

"Nasa process na 'yan ng relationship. You are my boyfriend now, Ryohei." I insisted.

"I'll still court you everyday." he said with a smile. "And each day, I will love you more." Ryo bended his upper body and his lips brushed against my cheeks in a tender kiss, leaving me momentarily stunned.

"Are you going home hmm? Ihahatid na kita,"

Nakatulala pa din ako kay Ryo matapos ang ginawa niya. I tried to process everything but it was overwhelming.

Then it hit me.

My thoughts were tangled in a mess as I tried to comprehend while my whirlwind of emotions swirling within me made it difficult to find the right words to say.

He kissed me on the cheeks?!

Parang gusto ko nalang ibalik lahat ng mga sinabi ko. Pakshet naman Amaris e! Bakit ka padalos dalos ng iniisip?!

Kukutusan talaga kita! NAKAKAHIYA!

"You're blushing." Ryo said, pointing at my cheeks while holding a smile.

"Hindi 'no! Blush on 'to," giit ko at umiwas sa kanya ng tingin.

"Okay. If you say so." he said but there was something on his tone. "Ihahatid na kita."

Agad akong umiling. "Wag na. My driver will arrive to pick me up. You should go home already." sabi ko at bahagyang tinulak siya paatras.

I need to breathe. He is my boyfriend already. I need some air to process everything.

"Okay if you say so. Let's meet tomorrow okay? Process everything love, I'll be with you so don't overthink much. You can share your thoughts with me." he said before waving his hand and slowly stepping back. "Bye,"

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