Chapter 2

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"You risk life and limb to save the free world and what do they give you? Jell-O and a bad '70s TV show," Dom said by way of greeting as he walked into Hobb's hospital room. A shattered collarbone, his leg fractured in two places, broken ribs, bruises and bleeding of all kind were only some of the injuries on his long list. And all of them were thanks to Deckard Shaw.

Hobbs smiled at Toretto. "You know, it's got its perks. Sponge baths ain't that bad."

"Dad!" chastised a girl in the corner, a tablet on her lap.

"I'm sorry, baby," Hobbs said.

"Dad?" Dom questioned.

"Honey, I want to introduce you to somebody. He's a, he's an old friend. Go on and say hello," Hobbs instructed his daughter.

"Dominic Toretto, right?" the girl asked as she stood in front of the man. "My dad said he kicked your ass once."

"Young lady, watch your mouth," Hobbs scolded.

"Your dad's on heavy pain meds. I can understand if his history is a little hazy," Dom replied, making Luke laugh.

"I doubt that," the girl sassed.

"Alright, honey. That's enough. I want you to go get something to eat with Elena while me and Toretto have a talk, you hear me?" Luke instructed.

"Come on, lady. Let's get some cookies," Elena said as she led her out.

"And watch that mouth!" Luke added before the room became colder.

"Who did this?" Dom asked.

"You remember Owen Shaw? The one we tore half of London down trying to get? Well, this is his big, bad brother. Take a look at this," Hobbs answered as he handed Toretto the file that Elena had handed him.

"Deckard Shaw," Toretto read.

"British Special Forces Assassin. The kind of unique asset that no government that no government would ever admit to employing."

"Black Ops boys."

"Worse," Hobbs corrected. "They created a monster. They felt Shaw was a necessary evil until, eventually, they decided he was unnecessary. The powers that be felt that he knew just a little bit too much. The asset became a liability. So they sent in 20 elite operatives to retire him."

"And they missed," Toretto guessed.

"That was six years ago and Shaw's been a ghost ever since."

"Until now. Who is she?" Toretto asked as he held up a photo of the woman who had been with Deckard in Hobbs's office that night.

"If Shaw is a ghost, then I don't know what she is. She was with him the night they hacked my computer and busted me up. She's not in the system but we asked around. We got a hit from a CI contact in London. He was the only one willing to talk and even still, he demanded to be exfill-ed out of London."

"Was it worth the moving costs?" Dom wondered and Hobbs nodded.

"She's a gun for hire – a damn good one too. Her name's Katrina. Not much else is known about her, but considering she was mounting Shaw in my office...I'd say it's likely that she's the one who helped him disappear. You find her, you find him."

"And how do I find them?" Toretto asked as he braced his hands on the end of Hobbs' bed.

He regarded his friend. "The official answer is, you don't."

"They killed Han, and almost killed my family," Dom revealed.

The package Katrina had sent had been mailed under the guise of one of Toretto's closest friends who was living in Tokyo. And after a rather threatening phone call from Deckard to Dom, said package had blown Dom's house sky-high. It was nothing more than a smouldering heap now and his family had fled to the Dominican Republic whilst Dom was trying to hunt down the person that tried to kill them.

"He also tried to put me in a body bag too," Hobbs continued. "Which is why when I get out, I'm gonna throw that girl into a hole and throw away the hole and I'm gonna put a hurt on him so bad that he's gonna wish that his mama had kept her legs closed. But until then, my official answer to you is stand down," Hobbs fired back as Toretto moved to stand next to him.

"Now you know I can't do that."

"I do you know you, Dom," agreed Hobbs, "which is why now I give you the brother-to-brother answer. You do whatever it is you've gotta do. When you find that son of a bitch, just do me one favour."

Dom raised a brow. "What's that?"

"Don't miss."

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