Chapter 16

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Zombie cars. That's what their lives had come to. Zombie cars. As in cars that were moving by themselves with no driver present.

Cipher had hacked every car within a 2-mile radius of a Russian Minister of Defence that had been moving through the city of New York. Over a thousand of them. Now, every single one of those cars wasn't just driving, they were tearing through the streets of New York as they went after the motorcade.

So far, the unlikely team zoomed through the streets as they headed towards the carnage.

Meanwhile, Cipher's zombie army had crashed their police escort and smashed the lead and follow cars. But the limousine itself was flattened as they upped the ante and had cars flying out of a parking garage. They came raining down, not only barricading the motorcade from going anywhere but also damaging it to the point that it wasn't going anywhere. It was completely immobile as the other cars went up in flames.

Then came the figure in black camo gear, a massive buzzsaw, and a bulletproof shield. And before he would set the car alight, the Russian Minister forced his men to hand over a piece of deadly machinery.

Dom was back in his car as he zoomed down the streets, racing for the pickup point before he came to a screeching halt.

"I think I know where my team's at," he said to Cipher over his comms.


"Right in front of me."

Dom's family was blocking every inch of the street, including the sidewalk. As for Katrina and Deckard, their cars were placed behind Dom as they revved their engines.

"Guys, I know why Dom's here," Ramsey said over their comms. "Police scanners are saying he stole a nuclear football."

Katrina's eyes widened a little bit. If they didn't stop Toretto now, who knew what kind of war Cipher could start?

"It's over Toretto! Get your ass out of the car right now!" Hobbs ordered through the loudspeakers attached to his supped-up truck.

Dom only revved his engine in response.

"So, that's how you want to play this? Let's play," Hobbs challenged and for once the Shaws were delighted to agree with him.

Deckard and Katrina glanced at each other before Dom sped forward.

Unfortunately, Little Nobody fell for the trick and tried to counteract it by blocking Dom. He was yelled at by Letty and Hobbs, but it was already too late.

Dom went through the flower shop on the corner of the street as he made it through the gap. They all roared after him.

"Kats, we'll cut him off!"

"Right behind you!" she returned as they took off the other way.

As Dom's team went after him, they had a little hiccup. That hiccup was that Little Nobody was definitely not used to working in a team. He tried to pit Dom but only ended up under the scaffolding that the man had collapsed onto his car.

Dom was fast, yes, but he wasn't fast enough to avoid the grappling hook that Letty fired into the rear of Dom's car. And then Tej's. They both hit dead brakes as their tyres squealed and left tread marks on the road.

Dom met his downfall as he reached an intersection where Roman was coming at him from the front, Hobbs from the left and Deckard and Katrina from the right.

Their grappling hooks went through his driver's door, passenger door, back door on the passenger side and the hood of his car.

"Stretch him out! Hold him!" Hobbs said as they all shifted their cars into reverse and pressed their feet to the floor. Their cars jerked as the lines were pulled taunt and white smoke erupted from all their tires as they held him. "He's gotta have about 2000 horsepower in that thing!"

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