Chapter 33

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"That's our cue," Owen said as Katrina turned on the small tank and the lights turned on. Their cue was the rumble of Deckard's engine and the wall of fire that he ignited to box in all the Eteon soldiers. Hobbs and his family had distracted them with a traditional Samoan war dance as they hefted their weapons and ignited one of the many bombs they'd jerry-rigged into the old cars around the grounds.

"We got about 800 rounds and three grenades, give or take. Make every one count, O," Katrina instructed as she pressed her foot to the accelerator and Shelly lurched forward.

"You got it," Owen replied as the Hobbs family attacked whilst Hattie deactivated the guns. While they took care of the soldiers inside the fire line, Katrina and Owen were tasked with taking care of the soldiers and vehicles still outside the barricade.

The sky was slowly turning blue as Owen stuck his head out of the hole in the roof and primed the Gatling gun. Katrina felt smothered being stuck inside this car with padding on every surface, but she would swallow the feeling if it would protect her miracle child. That much was true of the life festering inside her womb. How could this child be anything other than a miracle with everything she had endured recently, and it had survived?

"Let's do this," she muttered to her baby as she began ploughing down and running over many of the soldiers whilst Owen used the gun to disable some of their cars and take down selected soldiers. They fertilised the ground with blood and bones as Eteon's numbers began to recede.

Katrina pressed a hand to her stomach, hoping her baby could hear her even over the hammering of the gun above them. "When you are born, you are not going to find murder fun. That's a fucking promise."

The sun was fully up now as Katrina ploughed down people whilst Deckard went after his sister who'd been grabbed by two men. Two became four and they were easily dispatched before Deckard assured his sister that the machine was working and that everything was ok – at least until a flaming car that was Owen's handiwork, came flying into the small shed they were taking cover in.

Katrina slammed on the brakes as the shed exploded, the girl breathing heavily and unable to see her husband or her sister as she began to panic. Owen had turned the gun on the helicopter that just landed, but they began to return fire as the glass of their windscreen cracked.

"Kats, move!" Owen pleaded as he ducked back inside the car to avoid the gunfire and Katrina was forced to shift gears and press her foot to the floor again.

"Where are they, O?" she asked, understanding that the reason why her eyes were threatening to line with tears was now because of her new pregnancy hormones.

"I don't know, but you have to keep it together. They can take care of themselves but we have to take out as many of these fuckers as possible before the guns come back online and we run out of ammunition. Ok?"

"Ok," she repeated as she tried to resume her task, but it didn't work. She'd just rammed into a group of soldiers, knocking them down like bowling pins as Owen stood up again to place strategic bullets in those who chose to be stupid and get back up.

Yet, both of them stopped dead when Deckard's voice bellowed, "HOBBS!"

They both turned to see Brixton pulling Hattie into the helicopter.

Thankfully, they'd planned for this. Hobbs and Deckard were already off in Deckard's car as they chased after the chopper, Hobbs standing on the back of the car that was fitted with a think chain.

Now it was Katrina's turn to pop out of the car. "JONAH!" she screamed over the chaos as the eldest Hobbs turned to them. "Time to ride! Let's go!"

He nodded across the battlefield. "USOS!" he summoned as they went for their cars and Katrina got back into the driver's seat as Owen buckled himself in as well. He'd barely finished before Katrina was gunning the engine, a dangerous gleam in her eyes as her fingers gripped the steering wheel tight. She tore after her husband because like fuck they were doing this alone and like fuck was her baby going to grow up without a father.

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