Chapter 9

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Katrina Shaw was a ruthlessly trained assassin. She could kill people and not feel a thing afterwards. Yet right now, as she drove her bullet-hole-ridden car down the streets of Los Angeles, all her training went out the window. When she'd heard over the radio that the Predator had been destroyed and that Ramsey had lived and gotten God's Eye back – she'd had enough. More than enough. Her training went out the window as her GPS took her straight to her husband as the nano-tracker beeped beneath his skin.

She couldn't breathe anymore. Knowing that their side was losing this street fight with Ramsey alive and God's Eye gone, knowing that her husband would likely either be in chains or dead if their performance now was any indication. She couldn't breathe. She needed Deckard. She needed to see that he was ok.

There was a reason why they rarely, very, very rarely, ever split up on a mission. They'd always been protective of each other. In fact, the first time she'd met Deckard was when he'd scared off some girls who had been picking on Katrina for some reason that she didn't remember. All she remembered was the girls running away and then her turning around and seeing Deckard. Granted she almost broke his foot when she stamped on it to prove that she didn't need anyone to protect her, but that had been the first time he protected her, and he'd only gotten more violent since. The last time some drunk asshole tried to hit on her, Deckard cut out his tongue. To be fair, he'd deserved it with the words that had come out of his mouth.

It didn't take a genius to figure out who the more dramatic one of the two of them was when it came to marking their territory.

Her car came to a screeching halt as she reached the parking structure that her phone told her that Deckard was on top of. It had been getting hard to ignore the silent notifications that popped up every time his heart rate spiked.

Katrina had just gotten out of her car, ready to get her grappling hook out of the truck since the entrance for her car was covered with rubble, but she never got the chance. She never got the chance.

She never got the chance because Jakandae's helicopter hovered nearby as it fired a single missile onto the roof of the parking garage. The fire burned high as the concrete structure began to crack. But that wasn't what made her scream. That wasn't the event that broke her heart.

It was watching as the whole centre portion of the garage began to crumble. As it began to crack. As it began to collapse.

It was savage and guttural, the scream that tore itself from her mouth.


It scratched her throat and strained her vocal cords. It squeezed her heart and brought tears to her eyes.

Oddly enough, it was the device that initially pissed her off that brought her the most relief. Her phone had been vibrating non-stop in her hand as Deckard's heart rate doubled before it went low and steady. He was unconscious – alive, but unconscious.

Her chest was rising and falling so hard that her breasts nearly touched her chin. Her face was streaked with tear marks and smeared mascara. It was a lot of heartbreak to endure in such a short amount of time.

Yet, when she flinched at the sound of a Gatling gun roaring to life, she wasn't filled with fear – she was filled with a sense of vengeance like she'd never felt before.

Katrina didn't give a damn about the fact that Luke Hobbs was out of the hospital and the one that killed the drone and used it to attack the helicopter. She didn't give a damn about the fact that Letty and Ramsey were still alive. All she cared about was Jakandae. All she cared about was evening the score.

She threw her phone back into her car before she made for the trunk. She pushed the grappling hook and other gear out of the way before reaching for the black case in the back. Her entire body was on autopilot as she assembled the RPG – the emergency weapon that was stashed in the back of every car she and Deckard owned.

She was vaguely aware of the fact that Hobbs was out of bullets and the parking garage was collapsing into dust as she worked. She was also vaguely aware of how Dom's car was flying towards the helicopter.

But again, she couldn't care. She couldn't care until Deckard was standing right next to her. She couldn't care until she knew that he was ok and that Jakandae was a smouldering, charred pile of ash on the side of the road that not even the vultures would eat.

Her heartbeat was steadiest during two moments. When she was in Deckard's arms, and when she was lining up a shot. And not a damn thing could make her waver as she rested the RPG on her shoulder and lined up the shot.

The rest of Dom's crew had arrived just in time to watch the horrific crash that would've likely resulted in his death, what Katrina hoped resulted in Dom's death as they all raced over to him.

Her screen lit up red as it informed her that the missile was locked onto its target. However, at that moment, Hobbs finally spotted the backpack that Dom had stolen out of Deckard's car. The backpack full of grenades that was now hanging off the landing skids.

Katrina was faster. Hobbs had reached for his sidearm to ignite the simmering firepower that rested on the chopper, but Katrina was faster. Her finger squeezed the trigger as the surface-to-air missile launched itself free and zoomed for the helicopter.

The explosion that destroyed the helicopter and everyone inside it scorched the buildings that lined the street. The explosion char-grilled the people inside and melted the concrete streets below. The ground shook with how hard the chopper came crashing down as the flames burned brighter.

Hobbs had barely jumped out of the way as the missile shot past him and then he turned to see who fired it.

Katrina Shaw looked like a goddess of destruction as she threw down her rocket launcher and faced Hobbs. Strands of hair stuck to the wet patches on her face and her dark lips spoke words like the shadow of death as she stared him down.

"You better hope Toretto's alive," she started. "Because if he isn't, then there is nothing stopping me from killing every last one of you. Because you won't find me. Not even with God's Eye. You won't see me coming when I come for Deckard. And you sure as fuck won't see me coming when I come for you. You bitches are gonna die!"

She knew that there was no way she was going to be able to get to Deckard without getting caught. And if she got arrested, who was going to save Deckard?

So she was left with no choice as she got into her car and her heart crumbled like the parking garage with every mile she put between them. Her vision blurred the harder she pressed her foot to the floor. And not even the steady beat of her husband's heart on her phone could change the pain that she felt as she left him behind. It wasn't going to stop the tears that streamed down her face.

Deckard was fine, and he was going to be free, but right now, Katrina just needed a moment to be broken. 

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