Chapter 28

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Katrina had been ready to run at the researchers and scientists as they made for the trucks that would get them out, but she'd been very surprised when Hattie shoved the machine into her hands before she went after them herself.

"Any reason you took out my guys?" Katrina asked as they quickly pulled on the white jumpsuits to disguise themselves.

"I needed some fun. Especially after everything was depressing back there."

"Sure," Katrina said as she eyeballed Hattie. She let the matter sit before they strapped masks onto their faces and headed for the large truck.

Katrina had just picked the lock on the door as she yanked it open. She placed the machine on the seat before she began to climb into the truck, but that was when the screams began to echo off the walls of the warehouse.

"Decks," Katrina murmured. Something in her tensed at the sound of his scream.

Hattie turned to her. "I'm gonna go get him and Hobbs, but you need to stay here with the machine and the truck."

"What?! Why?" she frowned. "I'm the merc in this relationship, Hattie. My aim is better than yours. I'll have a better chance of getting them free."

"No, you won't," Hattie protested. "They're not going to kill me because I've got the virus, but one look at you and Brixton will put a bullet in you, no matter what feelings he had for you. You're our exit plan, Kats. I'm the showboat. Mick Jagger, remember?"

Katrina sighed. "Fine. But you and Decks better come out of this without a scratch," Katrina said and Hattie hugged her.

"Promise. We're Shaws, remember?"


Andreiko ended up going with Hattie as she sat with the machine in the truck. Katrina took a few deep breaths to calm her worries and her racing heart before she began to hotwire the truck.

However, her heart only beat faster when the alarms began to sound. "Come on. Come on. Fucking work!" she said as the wires sparked and then the truck finally rumbled to life.

Suddenly the door of the truck opened. Katrina hugged the machine to her chest, ready to punch whoever was about to climb into the truck when she saw Hobbs's bald head.

"You scared the fucking hell out of me!" she snapped as she let him climb inside. A roar sounded as Deckard and Hattie raced past them in the off-roader they'd been brought in.

"We gotta go!"

"How much time we got left?" she asked as she shifted the truck into gear.

"Not enough. I got Katrina and the machine," Hobbs answered before he spoke into his walking and the truck lurched forward as her foot pressed the accelerator to the floor.

"That sumbitch really is black Superman," Hobbs commented as Katrina furrowed her brows in confusion. Brixton had just jumped onto their truck, walked over the top and then jumped onto his motorcycle.

"What the hell does that mean?" she asked, but she didn't get an answer when the explosion came. She could feel the heat on her skin as fire blinded her in the rearview mirror.

"Long story. Maybe you want to drive a little faster?!"

She gazed ahead of her and she knew they'd never make it to the exit in time. "How about a little detour?" she asked instead before she spun the wheel. She hastily lashed her seatbelt over her waist as she pressed her foot to the floor and they braced themselves as they drove through a concrete wall.

"Nice one," Hobbs praised when they made it through.

"Thank you, but we're not out of the woods yet," she said as she drove through a stone pillar, the explosion still coming behind them as she pushed the pedal to the floor.

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