Chapter 31

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They had a plan. And considering their resources, it was a damn good plan, they could only hope it worked. The boys were doing the grunt work. They were building No Man's Land, a trap that they'd lead Brixton's crew through. They were arming the outside of Jonah's warehouse with traps of all kinds as Deckard prepared the kill box that would prevent them from escaping. Not to mention, they were working on Shelly to make it safe for Katrina – they did hit a little snafu with that one. Owen.

"Uh, what exactly are they doing?" Owen had asked as Katrina and Hattie were overseeing the modifications of Shelly, such as protective padding on the seatbelt, the doors, the steering wheel and even the roof should her head potentially hit it.

"Fixing it," Katrina answered.


"Ok, I get not telling Decks, but you have to at least tell Owen. He's gonna be with you after all," Hattie insisted, and he furrowed his brows.

"I'm all for keeping a secret from our big brother, but is everything ok?"

"Oh everything's fine," Katrina said as she waved him off. "Hattie's just saying that I should tell you that you're going to be an uncle in about nine months because we're about to go to war."

She said it so nonchalantly that it took a moment for Owen to register what she'd said. "An uncle? But – wait, are you pregnant?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "How many meanings does 'you're going to be an uncle' have? Yes, I'm pregnant."

"That explains why you've been more of a bitch than usual," Owen replied, and she scowled at him.

"Don't be a dick, Owen. I'm telling you this because I trust you with the information and I trust you not to tell Decks."

"Hey," he said gently as he wrapped an arm around her and hugged her. "Of course, you can trust me. Both of you. Uncle Owen isn't gonna let anything happen to either of you."

She chuckled into his shoulder. "Uncle Owen. I like that."

"From this point, I will further be known as Aunt Hats. Aunty Hattie just sounds like a bad nursery rhyme," Hattie remarked.

They all laughed at that.

"Can I just ask why Deckard can't know about his own child?" Owen wondered.

"Don't say it like that," Katrina said. "Makes me feel guilty." She wrapped her arms around herself as she let go of Owen. "But to answer your question, Decks can't know because he'd care more about my safety than Hattie's. Until that virus is out of her system and Brixton's in the ground, Deckard can't know. Hattie's safety comes first."

A look of determination spread over Owen's scarred face. "That's what family's for," he proclaimed. "Don't you two worry. Nothing's gonna happen to Hattie and nothing's gonna happen to you or the baby. We're Shaws. We don't go down."

"Thanks, O," Katrina said with a small smile.

"Thank me after this is over," he said as he returned the smile. "And on that note, I'm going to oversee those modifications that are supposed to keep my future nephew safe. You should rest before morning."

Katrina's smile grew before Hattie said, "Uh, excuse me, but I think you mean our future niece."

"No. I don't."

"Yes. You do."

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"




"ALRIGHT, ENOUGH!" Katrina shouted as both of them fell silent. "Both of you will stop fighting this instant. We have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it." She pointed a finger at Owen. "So, you are going to fix my car and you," she pointed at Hattie, "are going to come with me so we can hack into those gloves. Am I understood?"

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