Chapter 23

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When Katrina got out of the car as they pulled back up at the CIA black site, she wasn't there to mess with anyone.

"Mrs Shaw, you need to sign in –"

The man that spoke to her in the lobby ate a bullet as they got in the elevator to take them back up to the main floor. Yet, when they got there, Deckard was the dark one that wasn't to be trifled with.

"Hobbs!" Deckard called, gun drawn as they saw the interrogation room where Hattie had her legs wrapped around Hobbs's neck. Her back was on the table and her gun was to his head as he gripped her thighs.

"Oh, put that down," Katrina said to the shaking CIA agent as she walked in with her gun drawn as well.

"Get your greasy sausage fingers off of her," Deckard growled protectively.

"What are you doing here?" Hattie asked her brother.

"Saving you," Deckard replied.

"I don't need to be saved," Hattie said as she got off Hobbs and aimed her gun at Deckard. Hobbs straightened himself as he drew his own gun and also aimed it at Deckard.

"No. No. No. This is my house and your goddamn girlfriend ain't going anywhere," Hobbs said.

"That's disgusting," Hattie said as she moved her gun to point at Hobbs and Katrina tucked hers into the waistband of her jeans.

"Girlfriend? Do you not have a brain? My wife's right there," he exclaimed as he pointed at Katrina, "and that, that is my sister," Deckard fired back.

"Bullshit. She's too good-looking to be your sister," Hobbs said.

"All of you shut the hell up," Katrina groaned as she stepped between Hattie and Deckard, hands on her hips. "Hi Hats," she greeted with a grin as she turned on the blonde. "You know after our shopping trip, when I said let's do this again, I meant shopping, not where I have to help another fucking Shaw disappear because some fucking government agency is trying to kill them!"

Hattie didn't get a chance to reply before Hobbs said, "Yeah and it's gonna stay that way unless you tell me where that virus is."

"Listen to me pinhead, she's gonna die unless we get her out of here right now!" Deckard yelled.

"We're all gonna die if she doesn't tell us where that weapon is.," Hobbs replied.

"Actually, everyone's gonna die because I am the virus!" Hattie yelled as she lowered her gun and held up her palm so everyone could see the 3 needle marks.

Katrina's heart stopped. Now it all made sense. She'd taken the virus to keep it out of Eteon's hands and they'd framed her for it. But now that meant they were on the clock to get them out.

"It's embedded in capsules. I need to find a way to get them out," Hattie continued.

"Well, then let's get the fuck out of here," Katrina said. She was more than content to take her sister and bounce while they left the men to squabble it out. Hattie was right behind her big sister as they headed back for the exit, but they only made it a few steps before the glass windows shattered.

The force of the explosion knocked Hattie and Katrina backward, both women unconscious as they slid to a stop.

Five men dressed in black and armed with guns then repelled inside as they began shooting. As it began raining bullets, Hobbs and Shaw ducked for cover, unable to grab the two women who were unmoving. The bullets didn't make it through the stonewall the boys were hiding behind while the other agents were dead on the floor.

The only man who didn't wear a mask began barking out orders to the rest. "Bag the asset." One of the men began picking up Hattie whilst the unmasked one crouched near Katrina. He held her face, moving the hair off it. "Katrina Michaels," he whispered. His eye beeped as it picked up on the large diamond on her finger. His jaw ticked. "Take this one! She's gonna become one of us!"

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