Chapter 12

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Deckard's door slid open as he grabbed the doorframe, using the height as he swung his legs out to kick a guard in the chest with both feet. They really should know better if they think that a Shaw was going to fall to non-lethals.

Then he went running straight for the railing. His and Hobb's cells were two levels up from the ground floor – the floor he would need to be on to make his escape - hence why he leapt over the yellow bars and landed cleanly in a somersault on the gangway of the middle level.

Meanwhile, Hobbs was trying to tell the guards to go after Shaw and not let him escape, but they were more concern with him. So, Hobbs would just have to do this himself as he began to take care of the guards.

Deckard was in his element as he navigated the riot, using other inmates as shields from the rubber bullets before using their own guns to shoot and knock out the guards. They never stood a chance. But by the time Hobbs finished taking care of the guards on his level, he ran to the rail to watch as Deckard ran and jumped. Shaw descended another level as he landed in a somersault again, one step closer to escaping as he slammed the head of a guard into some of the yellow bars.

Hobbs jumped down to the second level, but that is where he saw another difference between him and Deckard Shaw. Deckard only had the guards coming at him, which was fair since he was technically a prisoner. Hobbs, however, also had his fellow inmates after him, specifically some of the ones that he put there.

One of them tried coming at him with a shiv as he landed, but Hobbs simply held the man's arm over the threshold of his cell before slamming the door shut. He cried out as the bones in his arm shattered and the next prisoner came after Hobbs.

"Hobbs! I've been waiting a long time for this!" he spat, the saliva visible in the air as he hefted his knife.

Hobbs didn't even blink as he grabbed the man's hands and forced the knife into the chest of his would-be assailant.

"Keep waiting, bitch," he spat back before pushing him down onto the gangway, the knife still in his chest as he now tackled the guards. They shot at him with the rubber bullets. Bullets that only bounced off his muscle, hardly slowing him down. So it was only too easy for him to take their own guns as he shot them with their own bullets.

He was quite literally a brainless body-builder as he threw the gun down and flexed his muscles before charging at another guard. This guard he lifted up over his head before throwing him down on two more guards like a bowling ball.

While all this was happening on the mid-level, Deckard was on the ground level as he broke the neck of another guard and watched as metal roller doors came falling down, blocking off any exits. He was running out of time. Time was of the essence, yes, but Deckard had been more than trained to thrive in this situation.

Hobbs finally made his way to the lowest level where Deckard was far ahead of him, being quick and nimble enough to manoeuvre his way around and over the fighting prisoners and guards while Hobbs had to go through them with brute strength. Deckard vaulted over and under, even using a wall of metal grids to his advantage as he used it as a foothold to jump over some fighting men.

He'd just take care of the last of the guards that stood in his way to freedom when a freight train tackled him. Now, when some people say they were hit by a freight train, they were exaggerating but in this case, Deckard actually was hit by a freight train as Hobbs knocked him off his feet.

Both men went sliding across the floor and out the final roller door before it was shut. Yes, there were also all manner of tall barbed wire fences to keep them from actually escaping, but as they both got to their feet in defensive positions, Deckard had a feeling that the men with guns that surrounded them were about to open the gate for them.

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