Chapter 5: Am I safe?

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I turn off the computer and head out to the cafeteria to find multiple scientists on the ground with a twisted neck. I stand. Frozen. In fear. Knowing dang well I was so close to death I was breathing on his scythe. There was a Security Guard nearby. I read his name tag, Sergeant Smith. I asked him how he even made it into the cafeteria.

"I don't know, all I know is that he got out after a door malfunction when attempting to clean up a testing run with a very large guy. He was big, like really big, nearly 7 feet tall with some amazing muscles. 173 snapped the scientist's neck and left a trail of dead guys all the way here. Don't know how he didn't get you or the lot of the other guys here." said Sergeant Smith .

I said "I thought I saw a guy looking at 173 dead in the face as we ran. He was able to walk away and get into the shelter in time", I was surprised that guy could hold his eyes open for so long, good lord.

"I don't even know how he passed the security in CON-K, those people are like the best of the best when it comes to containing or holding SCP's." I heard him tell another Security Guard as I walked to my room.

I, I... Can't deal with the fact that multiple of my peers and coworkers died. I just can't. I'm going to go take a rest in my room. I just can't deal with it. The fact I just ran, so useless. I am just so dang useless. I... My body is tensing, I need to go lay down, it was an exhausting day mentally.

I walk to the living quarters for head scientists, I have a high rank so I get a decent room and living space to live in. I had some food from my fridge which was good since I was so hungry. I didn't even get the pizza because SCP-173 breached. God. I'm so tired-

I fell onto the floor passing out. I don't know why. Why can't I move? Why do I feel someone dragging me on to a. It's so comfy, so warm. I could lay here forever. But now I wonder, Am I really safe? Safe, is the word I'm thinking of right now. I mean, SCP-682 might be conspiring the site to go into a pile of poop. SCP-173 killed multiple staff, SCP-049 being more violent. I can't stop thinking about all of the coming scenarios that might possibly happen.

I jerk up, confused and wondering why I'm in my bed, I was just on the floor?
"You're up." said my best friend Michael, he was a Commander in the MTF. He was the Team Leader of one of the best teams in the MTF called Alpha-1 nicknamed Red Right Hand, a very major role, they even bodyguard the 05 or work under their supervision, the 05 are the supreme leaders and decision makers of the SCP-Foundation. "What happened?" I asked. "You fell onto the floor right in the middle of your room, you look like crap. I told you those all nighters would come to bite you back,

"No duh sherlock," I got up and left my room to grab some coffee. He had set my coffee up. "Thanks Michael," I say.

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