Chapter 16: Operation Chaos Spear

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Date: July 17th, 1995

Location: Central Iran, near a Chaos Insurgency Base

Objective: Raid the Chaos Insurgent base and gather Intel on future attacks, locations, VIP's, ETC.

It has been 4 years since I joined the SCP Foundation's Mobile Task Force. I'm now a Sergeant in a Platoon. It was a GOC(Global Occult Coalition)-SCP Joint Operation. We are attacking one of the largest Chaos Insurgency bases, this will deal a large blow to their operations, but, they might be under protection of the Iranian Military meaning this could be a problem.

It's a full on assault on the base, helicopters, planes, tanks, hell we even brought the Hammer Downs, specialists in Bombs, tanks, basically everything with a little BOOM to it. This assault might take a while, the base is about as big as a town, including an underground area we have to raid.

"What is that?" asks Captain Carver.

"RPG!" yells the Co-Pilot, he swerves the Black Hawk evading the missiles, tank fire, machine gun fire, hell, it just became a whole boom show. They were not about to back down, neither would we. The helicopter goes to a halt, the jumpmaster pulls the rope down, I slide down it on to the ground. It was about to go down.

I ran to some cover, loaded my rifle. It was a shooting hellfire, everyone shooting, you couldn't hear anything. I peaked over the barrier I was against, and started shooting at the enemies, killing multiple. I moved up, the base was quite camouflaged to look like a normal Iranian town in the middle of nowhere.

I heard some Arab speaking, I peeked into an alley, to see the Iranian Military. This was not good, we can't pull out. I shot both troopers dead, I went to go inspect the bodies to confirm. It was.

BEEP "This is Charlie-9-1, Iranian Military confirmed," I was weary,

"Roger that Charlie-9-1, continue with the mission, do not back down, if we fail, the Foundation might get exposed." replied Command.

I continue to push forward with my team, killing multiple Iranian Military and Chaos Insurgents. "GRENADE!" yelled the Private, BOOM, he was sent flying, the Insurgents pushed through the open streets, killing our men fatigued by the Grenade., I opened fire but it seemed useless.

We were low on ammo, I had to call for backup.

"This is Charlie-9-1, we're low on ammo, and we are about to be overrun, multiple KIA, we need reinforcements now."

Command replied, "Copy that Charlie-9-1, sending a hammer down division your way now."

This was our last stand, "LAST MAG!" I yelled, it was over, this is the end, BOOM, I heard from behind, the Troopers were scattered with that one tank shot.

"Y'all Charlie Team?" asked a tank member. I confirmed. I asked for some ammo, and he handed me a few mags. I loaded my gun. "We're heading to Alpha Target, wanna hitch a ride?" asked the Tank commander, "Sure," I replied, we hopped on and the tank started driving.

Moving through the streets, it went silent, we could only hear the hymns of tanks engines and radio chatter. "There it is!" I yelled, pointing at the bunker gate. We pushed forward, I walked slowly towards the door. "This is Charlie Team, Alpha target has been discovered, moving interior now," I report, "Copy that Charlie Team, proceed with caution, Alpha Team and others are converging on your location to assist, be advised as a considered Super Soldier may be present within the site." this caught me intrigued, I didn't ask further, we had to move forward.

I scanned a stolen keycard, BOOM, a booby trap was activated sending me about 10 feet away, I saw some Chaos Insurgents move forward. They were in more professional gear. I looked at the leader's shoulder patch to see the Chaos Insurgency Head, this guy was a very important person. Grabbing my sidearm, I shot at the guy hitting his arm. My team... Alpha team arrived, they engaged the Insurgents and they retreated.

"On your feet soldier," whilst the captain of Alpha team pulls his hand out. I got up, and I looked around. I grabbed my rifle and pushed behind the Alpha team. 

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