Information Before Reading (PLEASE READ)

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Disclaimer: This story will contain sensitive topics that may frightening topics such as, death, hallucinations, profanities to a sort, and information that may trigger some viewers such as death or war memories via PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). I am not responsible for any damage caused via this book as it is a work of fiction that cannot affect your daily life in a physical way. Any real life coincidence, is purely coincidental. Also, the SCP Foundation, is not my idea, you can find the SCP WIKI at the bottom of this page. Thank you for reading this disclaimer, I want to keep my viewers warned in case. :)

Before reading my book, some have asked me what exactly the SCP Foundation is. SCP is an acronym for Secure-Contain-Protect. The SCP Foundation contains anomalies beyond human comprehension. The way anomalies are named, are through putting SCP, then numbers, to address specific anomalies. 

The SCP Foundation is a FICTIONAL secretive organization, that hides under every government across the world. The SCP Foundation, uses multiple supernatural weapons, and other things that can be found on the wiki website for the SCP Foundation at 

Thank you for reading, now, time for the showdown.

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