Chapter 24: Intervention

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Date: July 17th, 1995

Location: Central Iran, Chaos Insurgent Base

Objective: Prevent the launch of missiles laced with Bioweapon-AE1

I sat in that room a little. I went out of the room and grabbed the radio of one of the dead soldiers. I took off my radio and put that one on. I changed the frequency to the SCP-GOC radio and spoke, "This is Charlie-1-2, Alpha Team and the rest of Charlie team is KIA, requesting immediate evac"

They replied, "Negative Charlie-1-2, Bravo team reported that missiles laced is a chemical agent called AE1, targets are multiple cities in the US, China, Russia, and North Korea, it is going to launch soon, they later went dark, it's up to you Sergeant," This was bad, I could cower and leave, or I could save us from World War 3, "Copy that Kingfish,"

I left the room and cut the radio, I grabbed my dropped rifle and started moving. I was taking out a lot of insurgents, which would reveal my location. More started to come, I fought back. Until I saw the Head again, I heard he was called Azrael, I could hear the Insurgents calling him that. This time, he had armor, I shot but it seemed to have no effect.

I cowered and ran, he pursued but I threw a grenade and it caught him off guard, he ran and he evaded. It gave me time to run. "Sector III" I entered and it was heavily guarded, I couldn't go loud or I would be dead. I went behind a guard and I grabbed his mouth, I dragged him to a nearby room and snapped his neck. I alerted someone and he went to check it out.

I threw a knife and it hit his leg, I ran up, pulled the knife out, and slit his throat. It caused a blood bath so I went to hide. "What the!?" said a guard when he saw the body. "This is X-ray-1, Charleston is KIA," I was revealed,, I grabbed my rifle and shot him in the head. "Roger X-ray-1, sending reinforcements to your location." Crap.

I had to go. I looked at the map and saw the control room, it was far, but I had to go. "Oh you're not going anywhere Sergeant," said an unfamiliar voice, I turned around only to meet Azrael. "Who are you?" I ask, "I'm Azrael, I'm pretty sure you already know, but, I can't allow you to stop those missiles," How did he know? I was confused. He began running at me, I evaded his charge and he pulled a knife, he stabbed me in the shoulder. I grabbed his arm and elbowed it, no effect due to the Kevlar armor covering his body. I punched him in the face and knocked his mask off, only to see a familiar face, the missing General that went MIA 2 years ago, General Edward Turner. He punched me in the face knocking me down, he picked me up and tried to run me into the wall but I grabbed him and slammed him into the wall.

I grabbed his arm and ripped off the pad, he swung and he hit me right where the knife is. I groaned in pain, he got me on the ground and pulled the knife out and tried to stab me in the stomach but I grabbed his arm and kicked the knife. I swung at him, landing a solid hit getting him on the floor. I went over and grabbed the knife. I tried to stab him but he moved his hand, he hit me, and got me on the floor.

He began to strangle me, I grabbed my knife, strapped to my leg and stabbed his arm, he groaned and I grabbed his head, headbutting him, disorienting me, but knocking him out. I searched him for some items and he had a lot, I'm shocked he could hold that much for like a 56 year old. I found a medi pack, and I opened it. I pushed some gauze in there and wrapped some bandages around it. I walked away limping in pain. I had to get to the control room.

I continued walking until I heard multiple pairs of footsteps. I went behind a wall and peeked it to see multiple people searching the place, presumably for me. I grabbed my pistol since I lost my rifle when fighting Azrael. I shot at some of them, they were alerted. The ones I shot lay dead. I pushed up and killed the rest. I grabbed one of their rifles, it would do. More converged on my location so I fought. I got hit in the chest but my vest stopped it but it hurt like hell. There was one last soldier. I shot but ran out of ammo and he also did. I ran at him and he tried to swing at me, I grabbed his fist and punched him in the stomach, he groaned and flipped me onto the floor, he got on top of me and started punching me. He only got one punch in before I punched him and grabbed my knife. I sliced his throat.

I breathed heavily. I was outside the control room, I had to stop this. I went in and shot 1 of the 2 guards in there, I ran out of ammo and ran towards the guy and punched him, I got him on the floor. I heard the door open and I saw Azrael, he woke up fairly quickly. He began shooting at me and I used the guy as my shield. He punched me and I kicked him in the manhood. He backed away. He attempted to punch me but I grabbed it and twisted his arm. The other guy tried to run at me but I shot him then shot Azrael in the head. Ending, Ex-General Edward Turner.

I grabbed his radio, specifically the one he had used to spy on us and determine our day of attack. I contacted Kingfish, "Kingfish, I have reached the control room, the super soldier, he was the missing General Edward Turner, he was working for the Chaos Insurgency. I killed him. I need help to stop this." "Roger that Sergeant, you can stop the missile strike by causing these missiles to self-destruct, you gotta get out after you change it."

I walked over to the computer and re-programmed it. I had to get out. I started to get out of there, "Kingfish, I need immediate evac now! The missiles are going to self-destruct in 10 minutes." "Roger that Sergeant, I have uh a evac chopper on standby," replied Kingfish.

I began to run like hell. It hurt a lot. I had made it to Sector I, there was a team of soldiers waiting for me. It hurt so much. I couldn't run anymore. I began to feel dizzy and I passed out.

I exhaled loudly and I sat up. I was awakened by a large boom. "You're up," said Michael. I looked at him. I was shocked he was a part of the evac team. "What happened?" I ask, "We had to evac you, you look like crap. You saved the world, you would be called a hero, just the Overseer Command wanted to keep this under wraps so nobody would know besides us that you saved the world. You went straight into the Hornet's nest and got out alive. I don't know how you did it. But you did it." I looked at him with a puzzled look. I passed out again.

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