Chapter 27: The Incident

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Date: September 3rd, 2002

Location: Site-19

"How are you doing?" asked the neurologist. "I am doing fine, just my head has been killing me, and I have been having horrible sleep." I replied. "I am going to do another MRI, just in case, because this is odd, no medicine seems to be working. Follow me." said the neurologist.

I followed him into the changing room, I took off my clothes and put on the hospital gown. It was my day off, so the doctor scheduled a check up. He was one of the best neurologists in the world.

I went into the MRI room, and I laid down. The machine began, and it went on for a little bit. I was in pain, my body was hurting, and my head was killing me. The machine stopped and I got out. I struggled to stand up. I went over to the doctor. "You have a tumor, but not any tumor, a Bio Weapon induced tumor, about the size of a walnut."

I looked at him, "What about my job?" I asked, "You will have to take a break," I will do some more tests to figure out what caused this. In the meantime, you should rest, I will put you under surveillance so I will take you to a hospital room.

He walks me out and I wonder, why do I have this tumor? Is this why I'm in pain? I began to feel dizzy "Doctor Stevens, help" I said faintly, before passing out. I woke up in bed. I looked around, I was in a hospital room, my body still hurt, I was in pain, this ringing noise was so loud.

"Ah-, you're up." said Doctor Stevens, "I figured out what you have. It is a bioweapon, you know that Mission you survived 7 years ago in 1995?" asked Doctor Stevens, "Yeah?" I reply, "Well someone laced you with the Chemical Agent AE1, you are dying." said Doctor Stevens. I look at him, "Well is there a way to get rid of it?" I ask, "We have to remove it, just the surgery is risky because it's in your amygdala, Frontal Lobe, and is affecting you. If we remove it, you may die." "It's a risk I'm willing to take," I responded.

"Okay, I will schedule the surgery for tomorrow." I look at him in approval. He walks away and I try to go back to sleep. I was in pain and I didn't know how I was given AE1, and why it took so long to take me apart.

The next day came, and I was put into surgery, I was put into a medically induced coma, as this was very important. They had extracted the tumor, and put it into research. My heart had stopped 2 times whilst in surgery, but Doctor Stevens saved me. I was in pain still, the pain had become a part of my everyday life, it was a scar.

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