Chapter 22: Lizard

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I walked out of the control room, I was reflecting on my actions against Rogers, he was one of my closest friends. I regretted killing him. But I had to do what was necessary, he-... He was working with the Chaos Insurgents. The people who want to kill the Sword and Shield of the world. Michael and his team caught up, "What the hell man?" Michael said in anger. "That was uncalled for,"

I looked at him, "I know, I'm sorry," I say. We continued walking towards the Genesis shelter cautiously, we passed the dead bodies of multiple staff, soldiers, and good men dead. All because of the Chaos Insurgency and SCP. An echoing roar that pierced the silence, it was yet again, SCP-682, he was near, possibly in CON-E. But that also means... SCP-017.

"All units this is Nine Tailed Fox Alpha Foxtrot, we have contained SCP-017, be aware, SCP-682 is in CON-E, we are requesting the Alpha-1 team and a NU-7 team to come to CON-K to assist in terminating SCP-682." yelled our radios. Gunfire erupted near us, the familiar SCP standard issued rifle, and AK-47's. We started to run towards it, the sound went faint, then one final gunshot from a Chaos Insurgent rifle.

I peeked around the corner to see multiple Chaos Insurgents next to dead bodies, I aimed my rifle at the head of one of them, and fired. CRACK, the guy dropped dead as his teammates turned around, I took out the rest of them. I moved up to the dead man and looked at the armband of the one with a red beret, I grabbed his arm and looked at it, "Hey, we got a Commander here," I say. "This means.. An all out assault on the base.." said Michael. "This is Alpha–1-1 to 05-1, I need a status report on the nearby USSTRATCOM base," Michael told 05-1, "Roger Alpha-1-1, I will get a status report ASAP," replied 05-1.

"Continue moving to CON-E." told Michael. I started walking, an eerily silence covered us, it was odd, then we reached the door. We opened the door, only to see mutilated corpses of the NTF, "Hey!" yelled a voice from our left, it was a group of NU-7 troopers, filled to the brim with guns and ammo. "What happened?" asked one of them. "The NTF.. that requested us, they're dead." I answer.

A roar could be heard. It was close, oddly close. I turn to the doorway, only to see SCP-682 looking at us with piercing eyes. I grabbed my special ammo mag and loaded it into my rifle. SCP-682 charges at us with fury. I backed off, I shot him in the leg and he roared in pain. I fired at his head and blinded one of his eyes. He swung at the NU-7 team, taking out one. The NU-7 team fired their ANTI-TANK rocket at it and it immobilized SCP-682. Something odd happens. His eyes and body healed way too fast, but he also seemed scared. He scurried away in a fright, I tried to run after but. BOOM, the ceiling fell and I couldn't get past.

"SCP-682 IS IN CON-S, GENESIS SHELTER BE AWARE," I yelled into my radio. We had to chase down this thing. But we have bigger problems, a neck snap was heard over the consistent booms and shaking of the site. I turned around only to see SCP-173, it had escaped. 

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