Chapter 28: Finale

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I ran to the Genesis room, only to be met by multiple troops, they opened fire but I got to cover quickly. "So you are alive Commander," said Azrael. I began killing the troops one by one. It was not difficult. I was enraged and I was going to kill Azrael. His end was nigh.

I began to reflect on my life. "T-MINUS 4 MINUTES UNTIL THE GENESIS PROTOCOL IS ACTIVATED" yelled the speakers. Everyone will die by my hands. This was my finale, and I was going to make it the best one yet. I shot multiple people and killed many. I had to kill Azrael. I had killed the last Insurgent and I charged at Azrael.

I tried to punch me but he grabbed my fist and punched me in the stomach and flipped me over his body. He put a knife to my throat but I grabbed it and stabbed his foot. He backed away and grabbed the knife. I charged at him and got him on the ground. I punched him numerous times, he punched me and I was dizzy. I tried to kick him in the leg but he grabbed it and elbowed it, breaking it. I yelled in pain. He threw me. "I don't know how you're alive Commander, I placed you with AE1, you should be dead." So he was the one who laced me with AE1, I ran over to him and wrapped my arms and pushed him to the ground. I punched him. His mask came off and I ripped his vest off. He punched me in the face knocking me to the ground.

He removed all of his armor, "So you wanna fight?" he spat a tooth out and started to strangle me. I grabbed my knife and stabbed him in the shoulder. I took it out and tried to stab him again but he backed off. I charged at him but I tripped because of my broken leg. The pain slowly came in. I was getting fatigued and I couldn't fight anymore. He picked me up and body slammed me onto the ground. I yelled in pain. It was agonizing. I tried to get up but he got on top of me. He punched me multiple times. I spat blood and my nose was broken. I grabbed his head and slammed it onto the ground and got on top of him. Slamming his head many times. I grabbed a chair and set him in there. "HAHA KILL ME COMMANDER! DO IT!"

I punched him, again, and again, and again. Each time his face became more and more disfigured. He continued to laugh. I grabbed his head and slammed it into my knee. I went over to the knife on the floor. He went behind me and pushed me to the railing. I stabbed him in the stomach and he groaned. I grabbed him and flipped him over me, over the railing, where he fell to his death. I sat down. My body is covered in blood. I was in pain. "T-Minus 1 minute" yelled the speakers. I went over to the console, Azrael left the keycard here so I went to cancel. But the pain was too much. It hurt so much. It said "Cancel Genesis?" the computer said, I swiped the card, "GENESIS PROTOCOL ABORTED,"

I grabbed my chest where I sat. I was slowly dying. I saw a light, I saw Michael, I saw my life flash before my eyes. Black.

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