Bratty (JungJoo)

59 5 18

🎧 Bratty ★ Itzy

Ship: Jungsu x Jooyeon (again don't know the ship name)

Jungsu was very concentrated, even biting his lip. He was making breakfast. Gunil, his band mate, was watching him carefully, which just made him even more concentrated.

He didn't want anything to bother him, which is why everything was silent. He'd get mad at Gunil any time the elder dared to cough or breathe too heavily. Jungsu would even tell the drummer off for moving his hands too quickly; so talking was obviously off limits.

"Boo!" Jooyeon yelled into Jungsu's ear after quietly coming into the room. He hugged the boy from the back.

"You brat!" Jungsu pushed him away, the plate fell on the floor. Jooyeon simply laughed at him. The older boy rolled his eyes before flicking his forehead.

The two then looked at each other for quite a while. Gunil was still looking; he eventually decided to cough, to remind them that he was still here.

"Act straight" The eldest muttered before leaving the room. The two boys looked at each other for a couple of seconds before bursting out in laughter.

"Act straight" Jungsu mocked Gunil, he paused for a couple of seconds before continuing with what he wanted to say.

"I have literally never acted straight in my life" Jungsu chuckled, the younger boy quickly gave him a peck on the lips. He leaned out and started staring at Jungsu.

"Oh god why do I always walk in when you two are being romantic and everything!" Jiseok exclaimed, covering his eyes. Jungsu rolled his eyes and went over to him.

"I'm jealous! Cause it means you're more attractive than me!" He continued, Jooyeon and Jungsu didn't really understand what he was talking about.

"Or maybe Jooyeon doesn't have the personality of an absolute dipshit like you" Jungsu said before grabbing Jooyeon's hand; pulling him away from the kitchen.

"What about breakfast hyung!" Jiseok called out, noticing that the stove was still on. Before getting an answer, he turned it off so that no accidents would happen.

"Do it yourself" Jiseok was about to protest but decided to shut up and turn on the stove again. He complained while muttering underneath his breath, so he was the only one to hear.

"You also have an annoying personality" Jungsu added once they sat down, Jooyeon took his hand away to pretend to act shocked. The eldest laughed at his silly reaction.

"But not the Jiseok type" He added before giving a peck on his boyfriend's cheek. A comfortable silence filled the room afterwards. Jungsu was simply observing Jooyeon's features; the younger boy was staring at nothing in particular but a shelf in front of him would be the most accurate thing.

"C'mon let's do something now" Jungsu finally ended the long silence. Jooyeon shrugged, he waited for his boyfriend to suggest a place. There was another silence since he didn't have a place to go to. "Well" Jungsu extended the end of the word, hoping that Jooyeon would complete the sentence for him. "You better figure this out on your own!" Jooyeon exclaimed laughing while saying that; obviously taunting him.

"I don't know how to react to that" Jungsu brutally took his hand away from Jooyeon and stood up. He stuck his hand out again, for Jooyeon to stand up. "C'mon! Let's go!" Jooyeon paused in his tracks. He looked almost offended by what he just heard. "My knee hurts!" He complained, the introvert sighed and made Jooyeon go on his back.

"Where are we going?" He asked, resting his head on his boyfriend's back. Jungsu didn't answer him, he didn't answer his bandmates when leaving the dorm either.

"Ah my back hurts" Jungsu complained once they were down the stairs, at the lobby of their apartment complex. He forced Jooyeon off his back and interlocked fingers with him.

"I was comfortable up there" He muttered while being forced to walk beside Jungsu. At least he wasn't alone, that's what stopped him from complaining too much.

"You're such a child Joo, yet your ticket is one for an adult" Jungsu said once they arrived at the zoo. He purchased the tickets and pulled the boy inside. "That's your type though" Jooyeon teased with a wide smile on his face. Jungsu just ignored him and made him watch the first enclosure, searching for the animal inside. "Your ex was also childish" The animals didn't seem to change the topic of the conversation. Jungsu felt quite uncomfortable with this subject, Jooyeon seemed to finally notice how he seemed.

"Oh I'm sorry hyung, I shouldn't have brought up your past relationship" Jooyeon started, apologising multiple times. He now felt really bad for talking about it. "Especially on a date, as your boyfriend" He continued, still not stopping with him trying to pardon himself. "Don't worry!" Jungsu said with a laugh, he found the younger boy's behaviour adorable.

"Look at you finally acting somewhat mature!" He exclaimed, to make Jooyeon feel more comfortable after his mistake. He looked around before quickly planting a peck on the cheek of his boyfriend.

"I love you Joo" Jungsu whispered in his ear. He turned bright red, he was pretty sure the older boy rarely said that.

"I love you too hyung"



Another request! I hope you liked it!

Also! Happy pride month!

-Jude out!


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