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A frosty tension hung heavy in the VIP room of the restaurant. XG, enthroned in a plush chair, exuded an air of expectation. The click-clack of heels shattered the silence as Yeonjoo entered. A smirk played on XG's lips as he recognized the woman approaching - Kang Yeonjoo, or perhaps it was Lee Yeonjoo now.

"What do you want, XG?" Yeonjoo inquired, her voice cool and composed. As she settled into a chair, her regal posture did little to hide XG's growing discomfort.

"Oh, why so feisty, Mrs. Lee?" XG drawled, his playfulness laced with a hint of something sharper. "Let's have breakfast, shall we?"

Yeonjoo's reply was a cold, firm "No." Unfazed, XG sighed and slid a manila folder across the table towards her. "The people who attacked you in France weren't Bella Genovese's doing," he said, his voice dropping a notch. "Someone else is playing a much deeper game."

Yeonjoo's eyes narrowed. "Who?" she demanded, her gaze unwavering.

"That's your question to answer, Mrs. Lee," XG replied, a glint in his eye. "This file doesn't hold all the answers, but it will lead you to someone who can unlock the secrets you've been guarding. Consider it a gift... for a price, of course."

A flicker of recognition crossed Yeonjoo's mind as she glanced at XG. 'Why does he look so familiar?' the thought brushed against her, but the urgency of the situation pushed it aside. With a curt nod of thanks, she swept out of the restaurant, her bodyguards flanking her like watchful wolves. XG watched them leave, a slow smile spreading across his face. 'She's grown into quite the force,' he mused, his gaze lingering on the empty chair. 'But power can be a heavy crown, especially when its secrets threaten to topple it all.'


Yeonjoo strode into the Kim mansion, the heavy oak door seeming to swing shut with a finality that echoed in the room. Her entrance caused a momentary hush to fall over the lively conversation.

Despite the welcoming smile from Mrs. Kim, Yeonjoo's face remained an emotionless mask. Her eyes, usually sparkling with warmth, were now devoid of any expression, a chilling emptiness that sent shivers down the spines of those who met her gaze. Even the usual warmth in Mrs. Kim's smile faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of unease.

There was a palpable aura of coldness emanating from Yeonjoo, a stark contrast to the jovial atmosphere just moments before. It was a coldness that spoke of suppressed emotions, of a storm brewing beneath the surface. The guests exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how to react to this unexpected shift in mood.

The revelation hung heavy in the air. Jin's fake smile faltered, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. "So what do you think, Mr. Park?" he asked, his tone laced with forced cheer.

Yeonjoo glanced desperately at Jennie and Yoongi, searching for answers in their equally bewildered expressions.

Suddenly, Mrs. Park cut through the tension. "We approve, Mr. Kim," she declared, a tight smile plastered on her face. "We would love to have her as our daughter-in-law."

The statement sent shockwaves through the room. Mr. Kim's jaw clenched, Yeonjoo's eyes widened in disbelief, and even Jennie and Yoongi couldn't hide their surprise.

"I am married," Yeonjoo finally stated, her voice devoid of warmth, a stark contrast to the joyous atmosphere moments before. It was a bombshell that detonated in their midst.

Seung Park, the young man positioned to marry Yeonjoo for business gain, scoffed. "Who is that person you're married to? Divorce him now!"

Just as the room erupted in murmurs, a calm voice resonated from behind them. "She is married to me." All eyes turned to Felix, who now exuded an aura that commanded respect, silencing the chatter.

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