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Yeonjoo stepped out of the mansion, tears streaming down her face. The memories of that fateful day haunted her, leaving her feeling like a ghost of her former self. Lost in her thoughts, she wandered the deserted streets, oblivious to the danger lurking around her.

Suddenly, a car sped towards her, its headlights piercing the darkness. Just as it was about to collide with Yeonjoo, Seol lunged forward, pulling her out of harm's way.

"Are you crazy, Yeon?!" Seol yelled, her voice laced with anger and concern. "You could have died!"

Yeonjoo, however, was consumed by her pain. "Why do you care?" she spat, her voice thick with tears. "You left me alone. Do you know how much I suffered because of you? I was a living dead person, all because of you! I thought everyone was right, that I was the reason you died!"

Seol's heart ached for Yeonjoo. "Yeon, I'm so sorry," she pleaded, reaching out to hold her hand. "I had my reasons, but I never knew you were going through so much. Please forgive me."

Yeonjoo yanked her hand away, continuing to walk. Felix and Hyunjin followed closely behind, their faces etched with worry.

"Yeon, please stop," Felix called out.

Seol wrapped her arms around Yeonjoo from behind. "I'm so sorry, Yeon. You don't have to forgive me right now, but please let's go back."

Yeonjoo struggled against Seol's hold, desperate to escape. In her panicked state, she didn't see the oncoming car.

The impact was brutal. Seol crumpled to the ground, blood gushing from her head. Yeonjoo stood frozen in shock, the weight of the accident crushing down on her. The tears that had been flowing freely moments ago stopped abruptly, replaced by a chilling emptiness.

Hyunjin rushed to Seol's side, cradling her head in his lap. "Seol, wake up! Open your eyes!" he cried, his voice trembling.

Felix, his own face pale, turned to Yeonjoo. "Yeon, are you okay?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Hyunjin, his voice thick with urgency, yelled, "Hyung, call an ambulance!"

Felix, his hands shaking, pulled out his phone and dialed the emergency number. He also contacted the Kims and Kangs, informing them of the accident and urging them to come to the hospital.

The ambulance arrived shortly after. Hyunjin carefully lifted Seol into his arms and carried her inside, followed by Yeonjoo and Felix.

Inside the ambulance, Yeonjoo sat rigidly, her gaze fixed out the window. Her hands gripped her thighs, her face devoid of any emotion. Felix reached out and gently took her hand, his touch a silent comfort in the face of their shared tragedy.


The Kim family rushed into the hospital, their faces etched with worry and disbelief. Seol, pale and unconscious, was carried in by Hyunjin, followed by a stoic Yeonjoo and a distraught Felix. The doctors immediately swarmed around her, their hurried movements mirroring the frantic beating of the Kim family's hearts.

"Yeonjoo... Seol never wanted to hurt you," Hyunjin said, his voice heavy with emotion, drawing the attention of the family.

Jisoo, her eyes red-rimmed and filled with anger, turned towards Yeonjoo, her voice laced with venom. "So Yeon... Happy? Happy seeing your sister fighting for life!! Why were you even in our lives!!! You ruined our happiness!!"

Before Jisoo could unleash another venomous tirade, Namjoon stepped forward, placing a calming hand on her shoulder. "Jisoo, it's not Yeonjoo's fault. This was an accident."

Jimin, his voice firm yet gentle, echoed Namjoon's sentiment. "Yes, Jisoo. We can't blame Yeonjoo for this. Let's focus on Seol's recovery."

Jisoo, realizing the harshness of her words, her anger replaced by a wave of regret. She looked at Yeonjoo, her eyes filled with remorse. "Yeonjoo, I... I'm so sorry for what I said. I was just... scared and angry."

Yeonjoo, however, remained silent, her gaze fixed on the sterile white walls, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She felt a suffocating weight of guilt and grief, the accident replaying in her mind like a cruel loop.

Exhausted and emotionally drained, Yeonjoo excused herself and left the hospital. As she walked out into the cool night air, she spoke in French, her voice low and controlled, "Jean, avez-vous trouvé le propriétaire de la voiture ?" (Jean, have you found the owner of the car?)

"Oui, Madame Amara," a voice replied from her phone, a hint of respect in its tone. "Il est actuellement chez lui. Que dois-je faire ?" (Yes, Madame Amara. He is currently at home. What should I do?)

A cold smile played on Yeonjoo's lips, her voice devoid of any warmth. "Occupez-vous en." (Take care of it.)

Back at the Kim mansion, the tension was thick. Mrs. Kim, her eyes red and puffy, approached Felix. "Felix," she said, her voice trembling, "I think it's time... for you to divorce Yeonjoo. Max and Sierra... they're not yours. Please, think about the children."

Felix, his gaze unwavering, met his mother's eyes. "No, Mother. Max and Sierra are my children. I was the first one to hold them, to sing them lullabies. They are mine, and I will always be their father."

Mr. Kim, Namjoon, and Jin exchanged proud glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Others, though not openly vocal, couldn't help but smile at Felix's unwavering love for his children.

Meanwhile, Yeonjoo returned to the hospital, her heart heavy with guilt and regret. She approached Seol's bedside, her voice barely a whisper. "Seol, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Please forgive me."

Tears welled up in Yeonjoo's eyes as she watched Seol's still form, the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor the only sign of life. She felt a crushing weight of responsibility, as if the universe itself was taking revenge for Seol's suffering.

As the days turned into weeks, Seol's condition remained critical. The Kim family was a constant vigil by her bedside, their hearts breaking with each passing day. Yeonjoo, consumed by guilt and grief, retreated further into herself, her silence a stark contrast to her former vibrant personality.

The accident had cast a dark shadow over the Kim family, a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating consequences of misunderstandings. As they grappled with the uncertainty of Seol's future, the weight of the situation threatened to crush them all.

VERSE OF THE DAY" The steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children's children."

(Psalm 103:17)

This verse reminds us of the enduring love and faithfulness of God. It assures us that his love is not fleeting, but constant and unwavering for those who reverence him. This love extends not only to individuals but also to their descendants, offering a sense of hope and security for generations to come.


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