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"Mom, you're exaggerating this! It wasn't Yeon's fault," Seol argued, defending her sister. Yeonjoo, eyes squeezed shut, took a deep breath to compose herself. Then, her eyes snapped open – not just hers, but everyone's – when Mrs. Kim spoke.

"She still let it happen," Mrs. Kim said, her voice tight. "Doesn't that mean she wanted it somehow, Yeon?"

"Mom, have you lost your mind?!" Jin exploded, shaking off his shock. The Kim siblings stared at their mother, disbelief etched on their faces.

"That's right, Aunt," Roah insisted. "You can't just say things like that." Mrs. Kim sighed. "Roah, dear, it's a family matter." Jungkook, ever the mediator, chimed in, "She is family." Confused looks were exchanged, but Yoongi clarified, "Because she's like a sister to us."

Bangpink shot Jungkook a pointed glare. He'd almost blurted out the truth, jeopardizing their efforts to win Yeonjoo's forgiveness.

"It's true," Mrs. Kim admitted. "Her emotions were out of control, and she almost killed Seol." Yeonjoo chuckled darkly. "Well, Mrs. Kim, in that case, we seem to have something in common. I may have almost killed her, but you, on the other hand, definitely killed him, remember?"

"Yeon," Seol hissed, her voice laced with venom, "Why drag this up again? We both know it's a waste of breath."

"Because it's the truth, Seol!" Yeonjoo spat back, her eyes blazing. "He could still be here, a part of this family. If only Mother hadn't been so prideful! Remember how he begged... pleaded with her not to go?"

Seol cringed at the memory, her knuckles white around a hidden blade. "But... from what we remember, Hyun Woo died in a car crash after a mission, right?"

"Wrong," Yeonjoo snarled, her voice dangerously low. "They found out. Somehow, that meddling Kim woman blabbed. She told everyone that her precious son, Raven, the mafia underworld's rising star, was returning to Korea. So... they silenced him."

After the paragraph you edited, Yeonjoo sighed, a heavy weight settling on her shoulders. "Mrs. Kim," she said, her voice firm but laced with exhaustion, "I'm not divorcing him. That's the end of the discussion."

She rose to her feet, gathering her purse. Max, their newborn son, whimpered softly, his tiny face flushed with a faint fever. Yeonjoo cradled him close, her maternal instincts kicking in despite the tension. Seira, their other newborn daughter, stirred in her bassinet. Yeonjoo leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on Seira's downy head, eliciting a sleepy giggle in response.

Before stepping out of the opulent foyer, Yeonjoo turned back, her gaze sweeping across the room with a chilling intensity. Her voice, though soft, carried a clear threat. "Father," she addressed her stepfather, not with warmth but with icy formality. "Ensure there are no vipers near Seira's crib. My family," she added, her eyes flashing towards her half-siblings

Mrs. Kim, her face contorted in fury, stormed out of the room. The silence that followed was heavy.

Namjoon, still visibly shaken, cleared his throat. "The... The R-Raven... You guys knew him, Seol?"

Seol nodded, a nostalgic smile tugging at her lips. "He was our older brother. Kang Hyun Woo." Memories of Hyun Woo patiently teaching them coding flashed in her mind. "He was fiercely protective of us, especially after Appa passed. He practically raised us while Eomma was lost in her grief."

"Wow," He breathed, a hint of awe in his voice. "The brothers of the legendary mafia king, The Raven? That means you must be talented yourselves."

Raven's reputation was unmatched. His icy demeanor and lightning-fast thinking had made him a force to be reckoned with. No one dared cross him, and whispers even claimed the entire BTS were mafia kings at some point, simply because Raven had shown no interest in the throne.

"Mrs. Kim was the queen back then," Hyunjin explained. "But she saw Seol as her heir, not Blackpink. 'Blood for blood,' she used to say."

Jisoo chuckled, a spark of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Remember when Yeon threw a tantrum because of that? Hacked almost all of Eomma's data?"

"That was all Hyun's plan," Lisa chimed in. "He orchestrated the whole thing and even declared himself Eomma's successor."

Seol was about to elaborate on Hyun Woo's sacrifice when her phone buzzed. It was Yeonjoo. Panic vibrated through the line. "Seol... I'm being chased! Three cars... Track my location!"

Across town, Yeonjoo gripped the steering wheel of her sleek black Bugatti, her heart hammering a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Max whimpered in his car seat, sensing his mother's distress. She swerved sharply, the city lights blurring past in streaks of color. Suddenly, she spotted a familiar logo emblazoned on the lead car – a silver viper coiled around a dagger.

Her breath hitched. The Vipers! Her mother's old rivals. They wouldn't dare... or would they?

Yeonjoo slammed on the brakes, sending Max flying momentarily before she secured him. Cold fury settled in her stomach, replacing the fear. When it came to her family, Yeonjoo wasn't a storm – she was the eye of the storm, calm and calculating. She reached for a hidden compartment in the car, her fingers curling around the cool grip of a pistol.

With practiced ease, she stepped out of the car, Max cradled close to her chest. The three Vipers screeched to a halt, surrounding her like ravenous wolves. A tall man emerged from the lead car, his face a sneer. "Yeonjoo Kim. You shouldn't have defied your mother."

Yeonjoo raised her chin, her voice cool as ice. "Get lost, Viper. You're barking up the wrong tree."

The man laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "Oh, we know who you are. The Raven's little sister. But without your brother to protect you..."

The sentence died in his throat as a burst of flame erupted from a nearby alley, engulfing the lead Viper in an inferno. The Vipers scrambled in confusion, momentarily distracted.

From the shadows emerged a figure clad in black, their face obscured by a hood. The remaining Vipers opened fire, but the figure moved with an inhuman grace, dodging bullets with ease. Their movements were a whirlwind of deadly efficiency. Within seconds, the two remaining Vipers lay crumpled on the pavement, their vehicles sputtering and smoking.

The figure approached Yeonjoo, their hand outstretched. "Get in the car."

Yeonjoo hesitated for a moment, her gaze flicking between the figure and Max. The figure tilted their head, a silent question in their stance.

"Who are you?" Yeonjoo finally asked, her voice wary but laced with a hint of relief.

The figure leaned closer, their voice a low murmur. "A friend of the Raven."

A slow smile spread across Yeonjoo's face. "Then let's go for a ride."

Yeonjoo called her twin sister and said to her to pack their bags cause they are going back to Korea. She cutted the call and kissed Max head who was sleeping peacefully.



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