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Sunlight streamed through the hospital window, casting a warm glow on Yeonjoo's smile.  She sat propped up in the bed, exhaustion etched around her eyes but overshadowed by the radiant joy cradled in her arms.  Her newborn daughter, Seira, possessed the same luminous eyes as her mother, a perfect reflection staring back at Yeonjoo. Beside her, Felix, his face awash with paternal pride, held their son Max.

"Just like you," Felix murmured, his voice thick with emotion.  A single tear traced a path down his cheek, landing on Seira's downy head.  "Max will grow up to be her protector, just like..."  His voice trailed off, the unspoken name hanging heavy in the air.

A burst of laughter, punctuated by playful shoves, shattered the quietude.  Yeonjoo's siblings, Jennie and Yoongi, burst through the doorway, their bickering a familiar melody.

"Out of my way, slowpoke!" Jennie declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes.  "I get to see my niece first!"

Yoongi, ever the stoic one, mumbled a playful retort, "As if. I'm their cool uncle, remember?"

Yeonjoo chuckled, a sound like wind chimes, washing away the lingering tension.  "Hey you two," she said, her voice weak but filled with love.  "There's plenty of Yeonjoo to go around. Come here, both of you."

Two hurried figures rushed in, each scooping up a twin. Yoongi, beaming, cooed, "Look at my handsome nephew, Max! Such a savage little dude, just like his uncle!"

"Sierra," Yeonjoo murmured, cradling the girl, "your eyes are just like mine. Beauty runs in the family, you know."

Her phone buzzed. A smile bloomed on Yeonjoo's face as she answered, "Roah? Where are you?"

"Rich auntie's coming, sis! Just hold on a bit. How are the munchkins? Did that goofball Felix try anything?"

"He's been good," Yeonjoo replied with a playful pout. "But can you get here soon? I'm itching to get out of this place."


Mr. Kim listened intently to the news from Yeonjoo's bodyguard, a relieved smile gracing his features. He sat in a conference room, a framed picture on the table showing his daughter, Yeonjoo, cradling two newborns.

A pang of regret pierced him. He'd longed to be there in France with them, but his wife had adamantly refused to visit "that murderer's house."

No one else in the Kim family knew. No one knew Yeonjoo had been pregnant when Jimin pushed her, how cruelly they'd treated her.

"Appa, what are you looking at?" Jungkook, his youngest son, asked, his voice laced with concern. "Why are you crying?"

Mr. Kim flinched, hastily shutting off his phone. "Nothing, Kook," he mumbled, forcing a smile. "Just thinking about your sister."

Jimin patted him comfortingly. "It's okay, Appa. We all miss Seol."

Suddenly Mr kim phone rang and he picked the phone and went outside. 

He smiled seeing the caller name and answered.

Me kim: hello yn ah, how are you all?
Yn: I am fine, and katherine as well. And don't worry about max and Sierra will be staying away from mafia world.
Mr kim: Really, that's good. I just want to be with You guys.
Yn: Don't worry me and husband will be in France by tmr. And how is Mrs Kim?

He cutted the call and turned back to see Jisoo her eldest daughter.

"Where you talking with Yn? " Asked jisoo straightway. He chuckled and patted her head and told, "Yup Sooya, I just asked how is she. " "Then who are max and Seirra? " Asked jisoo making Mr Kim making him off guard. He sighed and answered, "They are YN'S friends daughter who are with her. "

Jisoo nodded and went away. Me kim sighed and thought, 'Sorry Christ for lying but they hate my daughter and she wants her children to stay away from them. I just need to be more careful to keep this secret without lying ands that is to talk only in office. And yea sorry for making accuse for lying.'


Lee couple came with their son and daughter. Today is the day of their mother's birthday and yeonjoo's death. A year has past and today they got a happiness to start with new beginning, yeonjoo's children Max and Seirra.

Lights were off but got switch up with a small decor of their mansion and stray kids with Inyeop and Roah.

I. N came forward and took max in his hands, "Omo he is so handsome, more handsome than his own dad and Seirra looks so ethereal just like her mom. "

Yeonjoo laughed and soon others stray kidz joined telling how babies were beautiful and handsome. Roah shoo them away saying, "Get aside let the rich aunt meet her savage besties children. Omo maxy looks to handsome then these men who are our fiance and husband and Seirra looks to pretty. May Christ bless you both with abundance."

"Ok, ok roh now tell me when are you marrying Inyeop. " Asked Bangchan taking Sierra from yeonjoo's hands.

"Yah I am not letting my only sister to get a man who will hurt her. " Said yoongi. Jennie smacked his head and said, "shut up oppa, she isn't a kid. "

Suddenly they heard a smoke bomb and with gun firing. Yeonjoo and felix took Sierra and max in their hands with guns. Rest of the members house also took out the guns and started fighting.

After a good fight of 1 hour all the men were injured to see they were the men's who were forced to kill them. Yeonjoo called her bodyguards and told them to treat her.

"Urgh... This is the third time someone attacked us. " Said jennie. " I guess we should go to USA as your grandmother stays their, yeon" Said Lee know.

Yeonjoo nodded and called her grandmother.


Here yeonjoo's grandmother was sleeping when she got call. She woke up to see her granddaughter yeonjoo calling. Without waisting any time she picked the call with happiness.

Grandmother: Yeonjoo how are you doll?
Yeonjoo: I am fine grandmother.
Grandmother: how are yoongi jennie and that husband felix who took away my doll.?
Yeonjoo: they are fine grandmother, I just want to day that I am coming to USA forever with your great grandchildren and my gang.
Yeonjoo: max and Seirra.
Grandmother: wait why are you coming her to US back?
Yeonjoo: someone is attacking us again. Everything was good until one year but today, on Seol's death and Mrs Kim birthday someone is attacking me again. I don't want to loose mt children granny.

Grandmother sighed and said, "Fine come here and stay forever, I know I can't trust anyones for the responsibility of yours until you recover your strength."

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