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Yeonjoo Lee

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Yeonjoo Lee

"They took my reflection, the other half of my soul. But they underestimated what they shattered. Now, they'll face the monster the darkness birthed within me, fueled by a love that even death can't extinguish. God sees the evil they've done. His wrath may be slow, but it is sure. He walks beside me, a storm gathering for those who dared to break His creation."

Felix Lee

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Felix Lee

"She, the queen of my soul, a flawless reflection of His light, was entrusted to my care. They dared to mar her perfection, a theft not from me, but from the heavens themselves. Now, their sin hangs heavy. This isn't vengeance I seek, but the righteous fury God grants to His instruments. They will face the darkness they unleashed, for in my grief, I become the storm He unleashes upon the wicked."

Kim Jennie

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Kim Jennie.

"They shattered the mirror of our souls. They hurt her, now they face the wrath of a broken reflection. For my God, my Lord, will not stand idle in the face of such injustice. They took the only light that kept me tethered to this world, but in her absence, I become the conduit of His vengeance. They will answer for their sin, not to me, but to the Almighty."

Kim Yoongi

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Kim Yoongi

"Justice may be blind, but a brother's vengeance sees clearly. Their punishment is a debt that will be paid in full. For god my lord will use me as instrument for the pay of their sins."

Name: Seira and max

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Name: Seira and max.

We are the light of our mom who loves us a lot. Hurt us you see hell.

 Hurt us you see hell

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Name: Eunwoo and Yn.

" They hurt what was our hope, now we will be the storm trough God will punish them for what they did."

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