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Yeon placed her laptop on the table, revealing an email sent two weeks prior warning of an attack.

Inyoup's brow furrowed in suspicion as he studied the email. A sense of familiarity washed over him.

"I get the same feeling," Yeon acknowledged, meeting Inyoup's gaze and nodding.

"Who could it be?" Inyoup questioned.

"I'm unsure," Yeon replied, "but this email feels strangely familiar."

They delved into the email, deciphering clues and attempting to identify the sender. Meanwhile, Felix and Roah watched them, feeling increasingly neglected.

"Honey, I'm right here," Felix mumbled, a twinge of jealousy pricking him as his wife's focus remained elsewhere.

"They're completely shutting us out," Roah whispered to Felix, mirroring the flicker of jealousy he'd displayed moments earlier.

Roah's gaze darted between Yeon and Inyoup, then back to Felix. A spark of jealousy, a complex mix of awareness and denial, ignited within her.

"Doesn't he realize she's married with two kids? Here he is, completely disregarding her husband," Roah thought, her internal monologue a whirlwind of disapproval.

Felix, unknowingly mirroring Roah's sentiment, experienced a similar surge of jealousy. Despite their unwavering love for each other, this primal emotion proved a powerful intruder in their midst.

Ten minutes stretched into an eternity for Felix. He watched, a slow burn igniting in his gut, as Yeon and Inyoup continued their intense discussion, their heads bent close over the laptop screen. Their brows furrowed in concentration, their voices hushed, but the electricity crackling between them was undeniable.

Felix couldn't take it anymore. He pushed himself out of his chair, the scrape a jarring intrusion on the focused silence. Yeon's head snapped up, surprise flitting across her features before morphing into a questioning frown. Felix ignored it, his gaze burning into hers.

"Honey," he started, his voice a low rumble, "think we need to take a break. Been at this a while."

Yeon blinked, momentarily caught off guard. "Oh, yeah, sure," she stammered, her eyes darting back to the laptop screen then back to Felix. "Just a sec, almost got something here."

"No," Felix cut in, his voice harder than he intended. He crossed the room in two long strides, his presence a tangible force in the confined space. Before Yeon could react, he cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs gently stroking her cheekbones.

Her eyes widened in surprise, then fluttered shut as Felix leaned in. He didn't ask, didn't wait for permission. His kiss was a demand, a fierce collision of lips that spoke volumes of the unspoken frustration simmering beneath the surface.

It was a kiss unlike any they'd ever shared. Desperate, possessive, tinged with a raw hunger that left Yeon breathless. Her initial resistance melted away under the onslaught, replaced by a startled gasp that morphed into a needy moan as Felix deepened the kiss.

He explored her mouth with a newfound urgency, his tongue seeking hers in a heated dance. Her body, initially stiff with surprise, began to soften against him. A whimper escaped her lips as his hand slipped down her back, pressing her closer.

The world around them faded away. There was only the press of their bodies, the frantic rhythm of their breaths, and the intoxicating taste of each other. Felix's smirk, a flicker of triumph amidst the passion, went unnoticed.

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