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Location: Japan

Time: 12:30 AM

One year had passed, and the Blackwood Manor thrummed with a new, terrifying energy. Maids and guards, once bustling about their duties, now shuffled through the halls, faces pale and drawn. Their eyes darted nervously, fear clinging to them like a shroud. Despite their rigid postures, the tremble in their hands betrayed their composure, threatening to erupt into a full-blown panic attack at any moment.

Suddenly, the heavy iron gates groaned open with a chilling screech. It was a sound that sent shivers down their spines, a sound that marked her arrival. Silence, thick and heavy, descended upon the mansion. The only sound that dared pierce it was the rhythmic click-clack of stiletto heels approaching on the cobblestone path.

 The only sound that dared pierce it was the rhythmic click-clack of stiletto heels approaching on the cobblestone path

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A lone figure emerged from the sleek black car. The woman glided towards the entrance, cloaked in a chilling power. Her presence seemed to suck the very air from the room, leaving a suffocating emptiness in its wake. The maids, their bodies wracked with silent tremors, bowed deeply, their eyes fixed firmly on the polished marble floor, unable to meet the woman's gaze. 

The woman, finally reaching the plush sofa, offered a curt nod, her eyes as cold and unforgiving as ever. Beside the opulent seating, a black panther and a jaguar flanked her like silent guardians. Their predatory presence only amplified the woman's formidable aura.

"All of you," her voice rang out, a command laced with icy authority, "before me. Now."

As if sprung by a hidden switch, the maids and bodyguards, despite their attempts at stoicism, scrambled into a line. Stern faces barely masked the terror that flickered in their trembling eyes. Here, beneath the chilling gaze of the woman and the watchful gazes of the big cats, any pretense of composure crumbled.

"G...greetings, Ms. Amara," stammered the head maid, her voice betraying a tremor she desperately tried to control. Amara acknowledged her with a curt nod, a hint of a smile gracing her lips. For a fleeting moment, the oppressive chill in the air seemed to recede, replaced by a flicker of something...almost pleasant. It was a mirage, however, vanishing as quickly as it appeared. Amara's eyes turned steely, her expression hardening.

"John," she addressed the head guard, her voice a chilling command, "give a full report on everything that transpired during my absence." Even the subtle shift in posture from the other guards spoke volumes. Here was a woman who commanded absolute obedience, and John, his face etched with nervous anticipation, straightened in his uniform.

John's report hung heavy in the air, punctuated only by the low growls of Midnight and Shadow flanking Amara. Her eyes, once softened by a hint of a smile, now blazed with righteous fury. The carefully constructed mask of coldness shattered, replaced by a burning desire for justice.

"Genovese," she spat the name, the venom almost slipping into a roar. "They turned our legacy into a den of iniquity? Trafficking, drugs, weapons... how dare he prey on the innocent!"

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