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Chapter 61 The Feng clan was kicked out of the team

Qin Su's order is an imperial edict to the people in the team.

He asked the mule cart to stop immediately, asked him to bring down two buckets of water, and threw down the rice grains from the mule cart.

The children were also carried off the horses, and the women who were bringing their children in mule carts were also kicked off the carriages.

The whole process was very fast, in the blink of an eye, so fast that the Feng clan had no time to react.

And he also recovered his sword.

The Feng clan has more than 30 broadswords in their hands, all of which were taken by the basin killers and have nothing to do with the Feng clan.

Qin Su was not an idiot. He gave the Feng family two buckets of water and a mule cart of rice and grain. He was extremely kind and generous.

But life-saving weapons and horses had nothing to do with the Feng clan, so how could he leave them to others?

He was very clear about this.

"Keep on going!"

Seeing that all his swords were withdrawn, he gave another order to let the team continue on their way.

With an order, the team moved again.

Only the Feng clan, with more than a hundred people old and young, were expelled from the team.

Only then did the Feng clan come to their senses one by one, and asked in panic:

"What do you mean? Are you abandoning us?"

"You criminals, you want to burn bridges after washing your tattoos? Do you want to get rid of us?"

"Isn't it okay to just complain about being thirsty? Are you going to kick people out now?"

"We didn't say we were leaving the team."

"Young Master Feng! What do you brothers and sisters mean? Are you going to leave your own people and go away?"

"Young master, after using it, will you break up the gang?"

Listening to the complaints of the Feng clan, Qi Lin was so angry that his face was so black that ink dripped from his face, and he wanted to beat them up.

However, he also knew that the Feng clan were all idiots, and the most appropriate way to deal with these people was to ignore them.

The Feng clan was really serious when they saw Qin Su leading people further and further away, and they were really panicking now.

They looked at the fleeing people who could not see the beginning in front of them or the end behind them, and then they truly realized the dangers lurking outside.

In the past, with the two young gods of war, Qin Su and Qi Lin, there was no need to worry about their safety.

Now without the two young gods of war and the sword, it is like losing the amulet.

"What should we do?"

"Should there be more than a hundred of us okay? I think some teams only have a few dozen people."

"We have nothing but water, food, and a straw hat!"

"Yes, there are no straw sandals, no mats, and no cooking pots or bowls!"

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