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Chapter 301 If you don't take action, that's it. If you take action, you'll do big things.

Start from the South Island facing off against zombies and ferocious beasts.

The audience in the dungeon did not see a single male with supernatural powers.

This makes those men who look down on women wonder if there are no men left in the South Island.

Otherwise, why should a group of women and children take the lead?

Are there no men in the South Island?

While Su Hua led the women and children to fight against the ferocious beasts, Qin Su led Su Sifan and teleported out of the South Island to the Blue Star Realm, directly allowing Su Sifan, the mid-level earth element power, to play its role.

Qin Su was a young war god who took command at the age of twelve, and he did not claim this title for himself.

But it was fought in a mountain of swords and a sea of blood.

"What the hell is this place? Where are we? Why are these houses like this?"

Su Sifan was taken to the roof of the skyscraper by Qin Su, looking down at the reinforced concrete buildings that were invaded by fungi and vines, and was stunned.

Qin Su was confused for a moment when he looked at the building that he had never seen before and was extremely unfamiliar to him.

However, he was only stunned for a second, then turned around and carefully looked around the terrain of the city in front of him.

No one knows that Qin Su also has a photographic memory. As long as he takes a careful look at the terrain, he can completely etch it in his mind and analyze the strategy immediately.

He was born to march and fight, and born to be a leader.

He raised his hand and pointed to a place, and said to Su Sifan: "Sifan, have you seen that bridge? You must break it. You must not let the undead and ferocious beasts from the city on the other side of the bridge come over."

"After the bridge was broken, did you see the oval-shaped building in front of you (Football Center Stadium)? You blocked all the intersections leading to the South Island."

"Then leave a passage to that building and lure all the undead and ferocious beasts running on the ground to that building. I will be responsible for killing them."

You can't just rely on your fists to fight. There are endless ferocious beasts and undead people rushing forward. No matter how powerful the superpowers in South Island are, they will not be able to withstand the exhaustion of superpowers after a round of battle.

Only by blocking the endless stream of zombies and ferocious beasts running underground from the source can we reduce the burden on Su Hua.

"I understand, I'll do it now!"

After Su Sifan figured out Qin Su's intention, he immediately turned himself into a statue.

In order to prevent the ferocious beasts flying in the sky from seeing him, only his two eyes were exposed. When Qin Su teleported to the football center stadium, he began his wonderful performance.

Therefore, the audience in the underground city could not find Su Sifan and Qin Su no matter how hard they searched.

Because one has turned into a statue and the other is constantly teleporting, even if the audience sees it, they will think that one is a dummy and the other is one of the zombies.

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