Time Distortion

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The knowledge of a time distortion brought a new set of problems their way.

'You can't fly Red,' Lance said.

'We've already been over this,' Keith said, as they all headed back to the control room.

'Yeah, before we knew about the time distortion,' said Lance. 'If something happens, you could go into labor.'

'It still doesn't change the fact we're going to need Red,' said Keith. 'I know the risks as well as you do.'

They walked into the control room and Keith turned to Nate. 'Let's see if you can fly the Castle.' He lead Nate over to the controls.

'You're still letting an Omega walk all over you,' Stret said.

'No, I'm letting my husband make decisions that involve him,' said Lance. 'It has nothing to do with Alpha and Omega designations. Earth women used to be treated the same as you treat Omegas until the women started demanding to be treated the same as men, it was called The Women's Liberation Movement, and started in the 1960's and continued into the 1980's. The movement questioned the cultural and legal validity of patriarchy and the practical validity of the social and sexual hierarchies used to control and limit the legal and physical independence of women. Women's liberationists proposed that sexism, a legalized formal and informal sex-based discrimination predicated on the existence of the social construction of gender, was the principal political problem with the power dynamics of society.

Earth has also gone through Iesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender movements. These movements advocate for LGBT people in society. Although there is not a primary or an overarching central organization that represents all LGBT people and their interests, numerous LGBT rights organizations are active worldwide. The first organization to promote LGBT rights was the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, founded in 1897.

A commonly stated goal among these movements is equal rights for LGBT people, often on specific goals such as ending the criminalization of homosexuality or enacting same-sex marriage. Others have focused on building LGBT communities or worked towards liberation for the broader society from biphobia, homophobia, and transphobia. The human race has fought long and hard to get to where we are now, and we don't need your antiquated opinions to bring us down.'

The control room was silent as they all watched and listened to Lance.

'Wow, that was an impressive speech,' Hunk said.

'History is important because if society doesn't learn from its mistakes, it can't move forward,' said Lance. He looked at Stret. 'All worlds have good and bad people. Here in this room are two races that have been, all but wiped out by the Galran. Yet, here they stand, fighting beside you to try and make sure no other worlds suffer the same fate. I'm proud to stand with the Galran, the Alteans, the Relcarians, and humans to make sure that doesn't happen. I may not fit your idea of what an Alpha is, but I fulfill my duty to Keith in the way he needs, and that's all that matters.'

Lance moved away from Stret. He didn't want to have to talk about this with the cocky Galran again.

Mitchell found both Lance and Keith fascinating young men, and he had a definite soft spot for them. He hated dragging them back into the fighting all the time, but like any good soldier, he did as he was ordered.

He watched Keith turn his attention to instructing Nate how to fly the Castle. The ultimate test came when Nate went to open a wormhole. When nothing happened he felt disappointed. Then suddenly, a wormhole opened and they went through.

'Great,' said Keith. 'That means Lance and I can concentrate on flying the lions.'

'It's fascinating,' said Coran. 'The Relcarian people have extraordinary abilities.'

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