Yeji - Love/Hate

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Someone suggested this I believe and I hope it's okay. Also I just made up a random kpop group name and plucked some members from other groups to it.


Yeji was dancing furiously in practice, her eyes piercing the mirror as her body produced the slick dance moves. Most of the staff put it down to just a bad day or her perfectionist ways when it came to choreography.

Her members knew otherwise, the online community had been commenting a selection of negative things online.

Not about her.

But her girlfriend.

It pained not only Yeji, the group members too especially when they can't do anything about it due to the circumstances.

Knowing she can't say anything or defend her, but this is what they wanted. It made it easier to sneak around and be together when according to everyone.

'I have never seen two idols despise each other openly like this!'

Only the groups manager and Yejis members knew of the relationship and it was the same on her girlfriends side. When they made the pact the same phrase was echoed all the time.

"Remember its only acting....."

It was a mantra the couple drilled into their brain to stop them from being effected by hurtful words or actions from one another infront of cameras.

There was only a year between the debut for the groups with Itzy debuting first, so she was the senior to her girlfriend even though they were the same age. Both of them were the leaders of their respected groups hence it also made it easier to pin them against each other or compare the two.

It all stemmed from a behind the scenes video on YouTube that Itzy posted. It showed the dressing rooms and corridors of a music show two of Y/n members were filming their Tiktok challenges with Yeji and Chaeryeong from Itzy. As the girls were going through choreo and chatting Y/n had inadvertently been caught on camera for a good few seconds as she watched on.

Y/n had been blankly staring in their direction except her expression looked hard and she had a resting bitch face. From the angle it looked liked she was staring daggers at Yeji. From then it all got blown out of proportion and everyone exaggerated, it looked like she hated the leader of Itzy.

By this point the two leaders had already started texting a flirting however werent official. In reality Y/n had most likely zoned out in her lovey-dovey daydreams as she watched Yeji do her thing. She was cute and clumsy but had a cool swagger along with being effortlessly pretty, her striking looks captivated Y/n.

At first it was a little worrying to the pair but after a long and in depth discussion they decided it would actually benefit them.

Yeji hated herself more as she took on the roll of being the instigator and more cold one, it was easy. Her eyes being a great asset in this case, similarly a reason why her girlfriend fell in love with her, the orbs that captivated the woman. All she had to do was hold no expression and she tended to look mad or judging.

The song came to an end and the five stood panting with their hands on their hips.

"Can we tidy up that last chorus part." Yeji said in a business like way as she ran a hand through her locks.

"Sure let's do it again, a couple of you were just barely a beat behind." The dance choreographer pointed out in a constructive way.

"Sorry, for a split second I forgot where my arms were going." Yuna admitted.

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