(AN Low key hate this one its cringe. Also don't know how these fan signs or fan meets work.)
Today was the day that I was having an online fan sign with my favourite group Twice. I entered it on a whim on the off chance I got picked. Got to be in it to win it right? My prayers were answered and here I am with my set up, ready and waiting to talk to the members. I am so nervous, but so incredibly excited to have one on one time even though its only a minute and a half or something. Coming up with something to say to the members was hard, although Jihyo being my bias, it was easier, I had been trying to find a pick up line and I found the perfect one. I just want to see that smile and know I made her do that, I can die happy. Dont get me wrong if any member smiled at me I would passout.
I made sure I looked my best, dolled myself up a bit with make up. A bit of foundation, natural looking eyeliner and some eyeshadow along with mascara and some lip balm. It wasnt long now only a few painful minuntes to wait.
Then all of a sudden the caller ID came up on the app, I had a sudden rush of panic. Alright Y/N stay calm, you have prepped for this moment, answering it there was an automated message. The Robotic sounding voice message played out explaining a few things, then a countdown appeared from ten seconds going down. Ten.......nine.........eight..........seven and so on until it got to zero. On the count of zero a bright background appeareed with the Twice logo on it, the camera was on and it then panned to the first member which was Nayeon. She gave me her cute bunny smile and I nearly collapsed right there, "Helloooo....Oh my god I cant believe this is happening." I excitedly spoke. Nayeon just giggled they are probably used to this so much "Hellloooo once, What is you name?" Nayeon started off. I bowed at the screen "Ahh my Name is Y/N. Nice to meet you, hope everyone is well today?" I said politely.
"yes, I believe so, everyone was excited about meeting once!" she answered happily.
"Totally same here about you guys!....So I have a question.....Did you ever want to be leader? if so what kind of leader would you be?" I asked her.
Nayeon brought her thumb and forefinger up to her chin in a thinking motion. "I did at one point, but then I thought its too much responsibility. I am better at just being unnie and a senior figure in the group. I think I would be a bit of a wild leader, it would be chaotic." she answered chuckling. After she answered the alarm sound started going off indidcating my time was up. Already?on to the next person which was Jeongyeon, they could be sitting in age order or it could just be coincidence. Pleasantrys were given, with Jeongyeon I asked about her volunteering at animals shelter and fostering dogs. Her face was bright talking about this she clearly enjoyed it. The next member was Momo, she was a member that could bias wreck me at anytime. Right now it was happening, she looked so effortlessly gorgeous. My guess is yes it is now age order, as someone who has a dog and loves food. I asked as much about both in the short amount of time I had and it was fun talking about something we have in common. Again the time passing by very quickly it is like a whirlwind, the camera moving to the side once more. I was face to face with the lovely and energetic Sana, as if my day could not get any brighter. Sana was so easy to talk to, even for me who is not great with words. We laughed, she even said I was beautiful and my laugh was cute. I MIGHT JUST DIE.
The annoying alarm going off again I was a little sad to see the back of Sana, but now I was about to see my bias. Taking a deep breath while the camera panned along. I see the goddess herself with her sunshine smile and big doey eyes, I couldn't reduce the smile on my face. "Ohh.....Sana you were right she is pretty!" Jihyo complimented me chuckling. I could feel my face getting hot and a blush was creeping up, some how managing to hide my fangirling. "Woww thank you! Well if I had a dollar for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I'd still only have a dollar." I replied playfully even though I meant everyword. Jihyo burst out with her signature laugh after a few seconds to compose herself "Hmmmm......touche.....ummm whats your name?" Jihyo asked.
"Its Y/N, but you can just call me your girfriend." I cheekily replied, Jihyo stifled her outburst again wiping a few stray tears from her cheek, clearly I didn't need my original pick up line because what the hell just came out my mouth?
"I like you Y/N, you are quite sharp witted. Have you ever been to an in person fan sign? I am pretty sure I would rememeber you if you had." she bounced back happily. It was taking everything in me to keep cool, I cant believe I made her laugh and smile like that and is she flirting back? I know its just fan service though. "OK I can die happy now! Yes you are right I have not been to one, but I would love too. Thats the next goal fingers crossed it happens sometime." I explained optimistically. Jihyo now had a wicked look in her eye and came closer to the screen like that was necessary.
"It might be your lucky day........if you play your cards right I can get you one. Do you have any more lines or are you out of ammo?" Jihyo teased. My heart skipped a beat and no longer knowing how I was functioning. "Ahhh you see, if you get me into a offline fan sign then I can bring a whole load of ammunition, just for you." I replied trying to persuade, while throwing her a huge smile and a pleading face, clasping my hands together. I think it was working she started getting animated. "Nooo, Nooo you can't do that! Thats our job, now I know how once truly feel when we pull this stuff." she joked while shaking her head giggling lowly.

Twitzy one shots (Twice/Itzy X Reader)
FanfictionOne shot book G x G Reader x Member Smut Some trigger warnings ( will be put at start of the relating chapter) Random one shot book relating to Twice or Itzy members. I am not a writer, I do this for fun. This is literally somewhere to store my rand...