Mina - Stripped off

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(AN: Trigger warning elements of rape.)

Sat down at her vanity table Mina applied her make up meticulously, her silky blonde hair up in a loose bun to keep it out the way as she got to work.

Around her others were hussling and bustling into their outfits or touching up their make up. Backstage could be chaotic, the other girls were always rushing around and Mina. Well she calmy went about her business, a complete aura of peace and tranquility.

She kept out the way, the girls respected her enough to not get too much in her space. As she applied her make up she observed quietly glancing in the mirror. On doing that she saw one of her closer colleagues clumsily struggling with her outfit, everyone seemed in their own bubble so she put down her brush.

Standing up making her way over she gently pulled the girls hand away from the zip. The girl jumped at the sudden touch but immediately relaxed again when she saw who it was. Mina tightened the string on the back of the corset tying it off and proceeded to pull the zip up with ease. "Thanks Mitang!" The bubbly girl spoke.

"No problem Satang, go put on a good show." Mina responded encouragingly calling her by her nickname before turning away returning to her task.

"I will! I always do! You to Princess!" Sana replied confidently stepping out of the dressing room.

The dressing room was finally somewhat quiet just the odd person dotting about. She finally finished her make up and styled her hair down in loose waves. Looking in the mirror giving herself the once over, she made sure to never fully cover her beauty marks. It was her signature and made her distinct. The small constellation on her face, her unique beauty is partly what made her the star attraction.

That and she was damn talented.

Some may say working in a strip club is undignified and lacked respect for yourself. No Mina held all the power, men and even sometimes women throwing their hard earned cash for what? A quick five minute show or dance, with nothing to show for after. Mina wasn't the one hiding. No the majority of them hiding their activities of attending a strip club from their significant others or merely trying to impress clients.

Meanwhile Y/n was sitting at the bar with a alcoholic drink to her lips. Scanning the room and making sure to keep her eyes on the stage. The strip club was fairly busy for a midweek day, which only showed the clubs reputation and popularity.

The place was clean, the decor classy with fair prices for drinks with a wide selection. Same for private dances and finally the star attraction, Deity Princess Sharon aka Mina.

Sure the other dancers were great but the word spread about Mina and people couldn't get enough. She pulled you in, the whole package. She was a perfect mix of elegance, beauty, cute and sexy which meant she appealed to all and certainly put club 'Moonlight Sunrise' on the map, it was Minas palace.

The DJ picked up the mic and began speaking. "Good evening. Its that part of the night where we welcome royalty to the stage! Please welcome her highness Deity Princess Sharonnnn!"

The lights dimmed and whooping was heard from all across the room. The music filled the air as 'Nasty' by Ariana Grande came on through the surrounding speakers.

The curtains opened and the bright spotlight hit the stage revealing Sharon waltzing out attractively. She was in merely a red silk gown that just did enough to cover her matching underwear, the garter belt sneaked from underneath it as she began dancing sensually.

Ofcourse all eyes were on her including Y/n who idly drank from her glass as she observed.

Mina carried herself with poise moving around the stage embodying the lyrics in her dance and she could see mouths agape and the beginning of bills being thrown onto the stage within the first 30 seconds.

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