Momo - Protection

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(Warning: Revenge porn)

I was currently looking for jobs in my sector, my most recent employer unfortunately passed away. After a small time out of work, it felt right to look for a new job.

I am a bodyguard, for any field really. It's all essentially the same principles.

Currently flicking through a private website for this kind of work, I spot a advertisement. A politician? interesting. Pay is good. I wouldn't have to move either. Requires a Female? Is this some perv or what? Now I'm kind of interested, if I get that vibe I can always just walk away. I called the number, after some chatting and a first base interview, they asked me to send through my CV and would be in touch.

Time skip*
I received confirmation to meet face to face, they all but said I had the job. I arrived at a rather large house, with huge iron gates. I pressed the intercom, stated who I was, showing some ID and they let me in. Drove up a small winding driveway and parked next to the other stationary cars. An older man in a suit came out to meet me, he introduced himself, it turns out he's works for the politician in the house.

He lead me through the house to a set of double doors, knocked and I heard a muffled "come in." The man in the suit opened the door and I entered, he left me to it and disappeared off. I had walked into an office area there was three people in the room. One guy standing tall near the back wall with a simple suit on, a slightly larger older man sat behind the desk and a young girl possibly in her twenty's sat on a chair on the opposite side of the desk. The middle aged man spoke up "Good morning, you must be the new bodyguard?"
I bowed respectfully. "Yes sir, I am L/N F/N." I greeted.
"Great, come and have a seat here next to my daughter." He requested. I walked over and took my seat, he stuck his hand out "I am Mr Hirai." and I shook it, then looking to my side to the woman. You don't see beauty like that every day. Even though she didn't look happy at this moment, she was still gorgeous, the long jet black locks in natural waves with bangs, she had incredibly round eyes, deep brown almost like a raccoon, her skin so flawless.

"Let's get down to it then. As you know I'm a politician and I'm about to run my campaign. Behind me is my bodyguard." He started off and now I was confused, he already has a bodyguard? Mr Hirai must have noticed my confusion. "Because of that I also need a bodyguard for my daughter here for safety reasons."
"I don't need one!" She interjected. So thats why she wasn't happy.
"You WILL have one. Anyway this is my daughter Hirai Momo. That is also why I requested a female. I don't want any scandal or a relationship developing, I'm quite protective over her." He said strongly. Well now this all makes sense. Ha. Jokes on him though I'm into girls too. I heard the young woman huff slumping back into her chair rolling her eyes. "You will have your own quarters and such to bring some items etcetera. So.....what do you say? Will you accept the job?" He asked. I reached my hand across the table with no hesitation. "yes sir no problem at all." I replied and we shook hands again.

At this point Momo stood up and stormed off, slamming the door behind her. "Don't mind her, she can be a bit cold sometimes. I guess she gets that from me." He said Chuckling. "If you wouldn't mind going to find her, If it's possible you can start right now." He added, I stood up and nodded "yes, I always have gear in the car." I bowed and exited the room.

I spotted the man from earlier and went over to him. "Have you seen Miss Hirai at all?" I asked him.
"Sure she went outside." He answered. I thanked him and went towards the front door and outside. Having a quick glance around I spotted her on the phone looking a bit agitated, pacing about. Now knowing where she is I jogged over to my car grabbing some stuff out my bags in the back.

Momo had now finished her conversation and was heading towards a flashy looking car. I quickly walked over interrupting her "Miss Hirai, I believe I need to take you to wherever you are going."
She stopped her motions and huffed again "Do you have to follow me everywhere? I'm literally going to meet my friends at a cafe. Im not a little kid." She stated with an attitude. He was right she is cold. I've dealt with worse i didnt take it personally, this is like child's play. Not answering I walked right up to her and took the keys out her hands. "Yes Miss Hirai, I go where you go." I asserted. "Now...I can either drive you in this or I take you in my car." I said while pointing at mine. Momo rolled her eyes and started to go to my car. Better choice its safer than that death trap. "Good choice, I didn't think you would want me to drive your flashy car." I said lightly. We hopped into my jeep and I started driving to the cafe she said.

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