Nayeon - The tournament

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(AN: Quite a long story.)

"Alright class, that will be all." The professor announced the end of my lecture.
"Lets go guys."I said to the my two friends Yuna and Ryujin as I stood up ready to head for football practice.

I have played football since I can remember and it's been a great outlet among making some great friends. Now in college, I play for the school team hoping to eventually get scouted for any of the professional womens leagues. I play attacking midfield, was the star player back in high-school and hoping to do the same here, which I am well on my way too judging by how popular I am and what the coach says. My two best friends Ryujin and Yuna are pretty good too, Yuna being striker, she is tall and fast. Then Ryujin is a wing back she is small, agile and doesn't mind a bit of the roughness from being a defensive player.

We reached the locker room quickly changing into our practice kits and jogged out to the field. "Hey Y/N you looking forward to that tournament coming up? I can't wait!" Yuna called out as we walked onto the grass to our coach. "Absolutely, it will be a great place to showcase my skills for potential scouts." I replied optimistically. At this Ryujin chuckled. "What are you laughing at?" I asked.
"Oh....I don't think she was referring to the football. Its not like you haven't been with atleast a couple of girls from each team that's going to attend." Ryujin exclaimed cheekily. I burst out laughing I didn't disagree, I had managed to score on and off the field on multiple occasions. "Hey! That's not really what I meant.....but I guess it can be taken both ways."Yuna chimed in.

Practice went awesome, our team working well together. At the end of practice our coach announced we would be having a warm up game in a couple of days, before travelling to the tournament.

*time skip*
Our match today, was at our home field which was ideal as it meant we got more rest time before our tournament. My team were warming up, running drills. With breaks in between, I observed some of the opposition players, a couple of them glancing my way throwing me flirty smiles, but I ignored them. We had played this team before, although this time I noticed a new player, I hadn't seen her before. "Who is that? Number.....9? I've never seen her before." I curiously asked Yuna who was beside me. She gazed to where I was pointing. "Oh her....ummm I think she transferred from another area. As far as I am aware they gained a pretty good player." She answered my question.

Other team*

"Looks like you have an admirer Nay." Jihyo the captain of the team told me.
"Wow that didn't take long. I called it!" Jeongyeon stated.
"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked confused. I had noticed a couple of the opposition players watching us, but just thought they were scoping us out. "Ahh Y/N, dangerous on and off the field. She has a bit of a rep with the teams in our division if you know what I mean." Jihyo explained. "A couple on our team have experienced it, if she does try anything just be careful that's all." She finished off. I nodded listening to what she said and glanced at Y/N, I'm not surprised there always seems to be one on a team thats a player, she is pretty though.

From a distance I could see she was easy on the eye, I wonder what position she plays?

After the warm we switched to our match kits. We were in our start positions ready to kick off, I was on the edge of the circle in the middle of the pitch, waiting for the referee to blow the whistle. Panning the field, I saw her in a similar position to me just a bit further back, definitely midfield which means we would be meeting a lot during the match.

I was pretty competitive, but in general I knew neither team was going to go all out in this match it was more about getting prepped correctly. The referee blew his whistle and the match got under way.

The match was mainly played in the midfield area, with little action at either teams goal. Our team was playing OK, we just needed a cutting edge, it was midway through the first half and I could already see that the number nine could pass a ball well.

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