Momo - Youth pt1

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I have have been sitting on this Momo two parter for a while, part 2 will follow in the coming days just got to make some tweaks to it. Hence why there wasn't a Momo oneshot for a while, these are also quite long as I kept going back into them and adding bits. 😅😅


The college dance minor returned to her dorm, exhausted from her practice. She has a mid term coming up and needs to be at her peak performance, so she is working extra hard right now to perfect the routine that she has choreographed herself alongside that majoring in business.

Letting her duffel bag fall from her shoulder with a thud and shuffling towards the bed. She flops down onto it letting out a huge breath, allowing her body to calm and relax.

Her roommate wasn't present at the moment, luckily for Momo they rarely saw each other, especially recently. Momo likes her alone time to recharge normally only going out if someone asks. Having said that with her bestfriends she can get a little exuberant and chaotic.

She really should shower but the bed is feeling extra comfy right now, her bangs are all over and she couldn't care less. Pulling her from her doze, her phone began to ring, as if it was a sign from the gods she should wake up and go wash herself.

*caller ID* Boo❤️

It was a video call and she groaned but answered it anyway.

"Heyy.... why did you face time me now at this very moment I look like shit, i'm all sweaty." Momo muffled out, while her face was still kind of buried in the bed covers.

"Hey babe....." Y/n chuckled on the end of the phone before soeaking up again. "You're looking pretty tired there."

Momo groaned rolling over onto her back so she could speak clearer. "I just got back from dance practice and literally face planted the bed when I got in my room."

"Ahh I see....I don't know why you are complaining, i've seen you in worse states. Anyways......some people have a certain.....attractiveness to them when they're a little sweaty. You are one of them." Y/n remarked without hesitation.

The dancer rolled her eyes ruffling her bangs, then put her arm behind her head resting on it looking into the screen. "So what you just said is....I do actually look like shit.....but you find it hot?"

Y/n just chortled on the other side giving an endearing look. "DON'T TWIST MY WORDS BABE......YOU'RE ATTRACTIVE TO ME NO MATTER WHAT."

"On a different note I hope you didn't over do it, don't want you to pull a muscle or anything."

The dancer knows from experience its best not to lie to her girlfriend, she normally finds out the truth anyways and gets all frustrated that Momo isn't taking care of herself or she literally comes straight over to take care of Momo like she hasn't done dancing since the day she could walk. "I'm putting in more time as you know mid term is coming. I want it to be more than 100%.....sooo to answer your question yes I am a little more tired than usual but I made sure to cool down and stretch properly." Momo told her sighing letting her fatigue show.

"Alright I know how hard working you are, I just don't want you to do too much." Y/n returned with care.

Momo smiled bashfully at the ceiling, her girlfriend concerned as always. The dancer has always been one to camouflage her feelings in general especially to people she isn't close too, peers always think she's unapproachable. To Y/n though, shes one of the softest and warm hearted people. "Says the person that can't dance.....hehehe....Don't worry Y/n, I know what my body is capable of. Thank you for your concern though." She responded in a teasing way before appreciative of the worry. "I need to go shower before I fall asleep on this bed." Momo groaned.

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