Tzuyu - Public Service

997 18 3

TW drugs and violence.


The early morning summer sun was just peeking over the horizon as Y/n set out for her jog. The rhythmical pit-a-pat-a of feet one of the few sounds heard along with a few birds chirping.

Keeping up fitness was an integral part of her job, to keep self discipline and be in a good physical shape certainly helps when detaining criminals. Having been in the police force for six years now Y/n had established a routine, in the summer depending on her shift she would try to run in the mornings before it got to hot and in the winter more towards the early evening which allowed the ground to thaw a little. Ofcourse winter could be unruly at times and weather would not allow such physical activity outdoors, nevertheless the police officer would try and keep up a certain level of fitness.

The usual bustling city became tranquil and calm at dawn, more often than not a fellow jogger or a dog walker passed by few and far between.

After her three mile jog circuit she returned home, freshened herself up for day with a shower. Having a hearty breakfast and taking a coffee to go she made her way to the station for the start of her shift.

Y/n had recently been promoted into the criminal investigation department, moving up in the ranks from just a general officer or one on the beat that just patrolled. Her dedication and tireless effort for the cause got her noticed, now in this team she has some more responsibility. Dealing with slightly more serious crimes like burglaries, sexual offences or serious assaults.

It was around 9.50am when they got a report of a burglary in an apartment block. Normally burglaries tend to happen at night, in the cover of darkness. Petty criminals trying their luck, but sometimes they did occur in broad daylight in which case you wonder if it was properly planned.

If a criminal has scoped out the place before, observing the victims routine in order to strike and not get caught. In this case as Y/n and her partner discovered the criminal had waited until the victim left for work in order to not be disturbed.

A neighbour had made the call about unusual behaviour of an individual before leaving for work only to return to their apartment as they had forgot something noticing their neighbours door ajar.

Y/n and her partner rushed to the apartment luckily getting there in time as they hear faint noise coming from inside but unable to distuinguish what part of the apartment. "Alright careful sweep, you go that way I will take this way." Her partner Sooyoung instructed and Y/n gave an understanding nod.

Going their separate ways Y/n swept each room slowly and finding evidence of someone inconsiderate of people's belongings as household items were scattered here and there knowing the perpetrator was searching for valuables.

Hearing the noises get louder Y/n knew she had burglar in the vicinity. Getting to another door that was half open Y/n tiptoed her way in to discover a male with a baseball cap, medical face mask coveing his face and a backpack on his back, he was ransacking the bedroom.

"Freeze! Police stop what you are doing!" Y/n shouted holding up her tazer gun. Their unit didn't carry handguns only tazers and their batons, so non lethal force was always used if possible.

The masked guy froze startled at the intrusion and turned to Y/n. "Don't move, you are under arrest." Y/n told him edging closer.

He didn't stay still for long and launched an ornament in her direction making her dodge it while he bolted. She shot her tazer unfortunately just missing, doing the next best thing she scrambled and dove towards him managing to grab his ankle as he ran tripping him up slowing him down only briefly as he was desperate to get away.

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