The torrential rain bounced on the concrete and rattled on the roof of the workshop, Ryujin found peace in it as she tinkered with an old bike she was restoring to its former glory. Something she worked on when she had spare time if the garage was quiet or after hours.
It was dark as the spring rain pounded the concrete, a fresh chill danced through the entrance of the garage. Ryujin got herself to her feet going to the work bench glancing at the clock, she had lost track of time. "Ahh.....I should really head home." She sighed quietly feeling a dull ache in her shoulders from the long day of labour.
Due to the noise of the downpour she failed to hear someone trudge in, the person soaked to the bone.
"Hello! Excuse me!" The voiced called out sounding drained finding shelter from the elements outside startling the young mechanic. Ryujin rounded the corner laying eyes on the woman who had left a dotted trail of water behind her which was now pooling by her feet.
"Hi, can I help you?" Ryujin greeted politely.
"Oh thank god, I've been walking for about 30 minutes. My car broke down, there was a pothole.....I didn't see it because of the rain." The unknown woman explained dejected looking utterly pathetic. The thin anorak had done very little to avoid saturation. The charcoal business suit underneath was clearly damp through, Ryujin felt bad for the stranger.
Ryujin wiped off her oily hands as she spoke." Let me get my tow truck and I can bring it in. In the meantime follow me."
The dishevelled woman pattered along following Ryujin into a waiting room area that had a desk in the corner, a comfy looking sofa and on the opposite side it had a water and coffee machine. "Wait here I can turn the heat up and get you some dry clothes." The woman was about to protest but Ryujin had already disappeared.
Ryujin swiftly went to the small staff area, the garage itself only had three employees. Going into her locker she found a band tshirt and a boilersuit, taking a quick look at them she wondered if this stranger would even take them. Her attire looked expensive and smart guessing she was some kind of business woman.
On returning to the woman she was hugging herself and had shrugged off the anorak. "Here it's all I have I'm sorry it's not great, also it should warm up in here fairly quickly." Ryujin said as she held out the dry clothes along with a towel, offering a crooked smile in consolation which the woman found cute.
The woman glanced up her hair was down and now wavy due to being wet, a tiny bit of mascara had ran down her cheek, even dressed in the wet suit she wore it well clinging to all the right places.
"Umm thank you, honestly I will take anything right now." She gratefully received the items.
"No problem, what's your name.... miss? And where can I find your car?" The mechanic asked.
"Oh right, my name is Y/n. It's parked on the side of the road I'm guessing a few miles that way, it should be easy to find I barely saw any cars on my way here." Y/n explained pointing with her hands.
Right.....can I take your keys?" Ryujin requested gently. Y/n muttered an apology quickly pulling her keys out handing them over.
"Thanks, make yourself at home. Help yourself to tea and coffee I will be as quick as I can.....umm I will give you some privacy." The young mechanic kindly told Y/n who smiled and nodded.
Leaving the woman to her own devices Ryujin picked up the tow truck keys, grabbed a high powered torch then threw on a heavy duty fluorescent coat. Making her way back past the waiting area she accidentally caught a glimpse of Y/n who was changing. Momentarily seeing the flash of porcelain skin of her upper body. Her body halted on its own, eyes in a trance peering through the window from afar at Y/n attractive figure. When Y/n suddenly reached up to unhook her bra Ryujins eyes bulged turning her head marching off scolding herself for being inappropriate.

Twitzy one shots (Twice/Itzy X Reader)
FanfictionOne shot book G x G Reader x Member Smut Some trigger warnings ( will be put at start of the relating chapter) Random one shot book relating to Twice or Itzy members. I am not a writer, I do this for fun. This is literally somewhere to store my rand...