Jihyo - Getaway

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(AN: Another fairly long story. Also have a couple more one shots to post, then if I get some inspiration potentially do other members.)

The plane door opened allowing the fresh breeze to waft into the aeroplane. The three girls stepped out feeling the hit of the warm air and sighed closing their eyes in bliss.

After grabbing their luggage and tracked down a taxi to transport them, they finally made it to the hotel which happened to be rather fancy and sophisticated. All inclusive, with multiple restaurants and activities to try and merged into the beachfront.

They exited the vehicle, dragging the suitcases into the lobby proceeding to main reception to get their keys. "This is the life. We finally managed to get you away from that hospital. Hello Hawaii." The long blonde hair girl said as the trio made their way up the elevator. "I know, I know....sorry for working so hard Rosé, I needed this break." Y/N replied.
"Hey what about me?" The girl with bobbed hair chimed in. Y/n chuckled at her reaction "Yes Lisa I'm sorry to you too. We've been meaning to come here forever." Y/N said with a little guilt.

The best friends found their rooms no problem. "Are you sure you don't want to share with us?" Rosé teased knowing what the answer would be. "Pffttt absolutely not! I will take my peace and quiet. I'm not spending this whole holiday with your fruity asses." Y/N shot back lightly as they separated putting their keys in the doors.

It wasn't too late in the day, so they decided to go explore the area they were staying and get their bearings. From the room wandering along winding paths littered with tonnes of palm trees, all of them were already feeling relaxed. Rose and Lisa already being clingy as Y/N was third wheeling for this getaway. She hoped they weren't going to be obnoxious about it. On their travels they went past two different swimming pools, another block of rooms and a giant notice board of activities catered to the holiday makers aswell as a map of the hotel complex.

Quick glance at the board and they set off again, it was about 3pm so the heat had died down a little but it was still hot, but not unbearable. The girls had now made it to the beach front where there was a wooden planked path that they joined onto it was like a mini T-junction so they could go either way. The sanded beach was right infront, if they chose to stay on the wooden path then it would lead to a bar or restaurant area.

Sticking together choosing to head right, walking in a straight line following the solid planks. Y/N stopped, deciding to take a quick picture of the scenery. It was beautiful and calm, Y/N really needed this vacation the hospital was beginning to burn her out and was over working herself. As the newly promoted doctor was just trying to be the best she can, spread herself thin. Once done she realised the couple were further ahead, Y/N started walking to catch up having a quick glance at the photos she took. When her shoulder smacked into something, almost dropping her phone and a little shocked, she looked up finding a large group of girls right next to her and one of them rubbing their arm after the contact. "Oh my, I am so sorry! I wasn't looking. That's my fault." I said apologetically holding my hands up. The girl I bumped into smiled opening her mouth "It's okay." It was a strange accent Y/N thought but brushed it off.

Y/N stepped aside to let them past, noticing that each girl was insanely pretty, which was a little intimidating. Y/N then jogged to catch up with the other two. "We thought we had lost you." Lisa said once Y/N reappeared.
"Nah you were just in your own little couple world, I was taking pictures." Y/N chuckled out and they both rolled their eyes. After a little explore the trio went back to their rooms, showered and picked a restaurant to eat at.

The next day Y/N wanted to spend the day at the beach area, the previous day she had made note of the sporting equipment and the volleyball net. Intrigued to see if there was an employee organising it or it was just help yourself type of thing. On the beach there was multiple loungers, parasols and the beach wasn't too busy which was great. "This spot is good, not far to walk to the bar and there is shade if we need it." Rose pointed out and Lisa, Y/n both agreed plonking their towels down on the loungers and dropping their bags.

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